
Our pharmacy says if you've already vaxed and boosted, you should be okay. The strains are getting very weak now. I know the CDC has its reasons but just sharing what I was told.
That depends on age, chronic conditions etc. I’d trust the cdc’s advisers over a pharmacist
I was just going to say the pharmacy will most likely get its info from the CDC as standard. 😁
Obviously not if their opinion literally differs
It's not an opinion if the CDC releases information, it is or should be construed as fact. And if my pharmacist gets those facts from the CDC, um, yay.
The CDC says get vaxxed so your pharmacist is going against them no matter how wrong you want to be about the definition of "opinion".
Where else would a pharmacy get information in normal times? It’s so odd that there is this persistent counter-narrative
I think people want pharmacies to get their info from a writer's paid Substack instead of the CDC.
Gone are the days we could trust anything coming from anything. I figure if I don't get the virus, then my pharmacist is correct. 😁
Agree, but also think the CDC/WHO could be much more aggressive in rebutting disinformation rather than just putting out information, Omicron was never mild & these new versions aren’t in any way people understand the word “the same”
You have GOT to be kidding me. The strains are getting weaker? Fuck no. They are getting cleverer and stronger and there are more of them.
Covid is on the upswing. Experts in infectious diseases say the current wave is driven by the FLiRT variants KP.1.1, KP.2 and KP.3. Of that trio, KP.3 is the cause of about 25% of current cases; KP.2 is responsible for about 22.5% and KP.1.1 is causing ~7.5%
COVID Is Surging Right Now. Here's What Alarms Doctors The Infectious disease experts share what's different about this latest wave and what to know about the new variants.
Well, no, as a doctor, I had hoped you'd recall that as a virus mutates and spreads, it eventually weakens. Tell me I'm wrong about that. I don't think I am.
You are spouting the media’s wishful thinking. This article is 2 years old but even then it was obvious that Covid is not like “most” viruses. And measles and smallpox want a word too.
Fact check: The theory that SARS-CoV-2 is becoming A look at the data that omicron is less severe. What does that mean for the future of SARS-CoV-2 — and the pandemic?
Yes, and then we got VACCINES for them! And now we hardly see them killing anyone, right? 😁
You've changed your argument tho, smart guy. Yes. We got vaccines. But we don't have that kind of vaccine for Covid. And those viruses did not get weaker- we invented vaccines. We are not in that place with Covid and its still getting more virulent. OK? I'm done here.
Wait, you're taking the word of a pharmacy worker over *the CDC*? Really?
Like I said, if I don't get sick, I deem them correct. Besides, the CDC would be in touch with pharmacies wouldn't they?
That's not how things work. If my pal Siggi says Russian Roulette is perfectly safe, and experts say it absolutely isn't, and I play Russian Roulette and I'm perfectly fine, that doesn't AT ALL imply that Russian Roulette is safe.
Furthermore, one can't judge "how well they are" just by how they feel at any given moment. You'll feel just fine after drinking water containing hexavalent chromium, but that doesn't mean it's fine for your long-term health. You "feel fine" after contracting HPV. Not so fine with cervical cancer.
On a scale of "trustworthy sources about medical informatin", a pharmacist is good compared to, say, your aunt on Facebook, but their views are worth *absolutely nothing* compared to the CDC.
That doesn't at all go with my original question if the CDC is in touch with pharmacies.
Pharmacists don't have some sort of secret information delivered to them by CDC backchannels that contradicts public releases from the CDC. For God's sake.
I...didn't say it did. You're still not quite understanding, I think. It's fine, nevermind, if you can't answer it.
That’s not true about the strains people are still getting long covid.