
this is a headline from 2016. trump said the exact same thing last night, completely unchecked by biden or the moderators. it’s hard not to feel like we’ve learned nothing.
He wasn’t unchecked by Biden though? Biden said this wasn’t true as soon as Trump said it?
no, he did not explicitly say you cannot get an abortion after a baby is born or in the 9th month. trump rattled off 16 lies about abortion and once he was done biden said “that’s not true.” what’s not true? you need to explain it to people!
Trump rattled off like five lies every time he opened his mouth. I don’t think Biden needed to go on a detailed policy discussion to explain why it’s not true that doctors in the US are murdering live, healthy babies out of the womb.
no he actually does because this talking point comes up constantly. tom suozzi, a NY special election candidate, was asked about it in january and he didn’t argue with the premise. democrats have a fundamental problem talking about abortion.
If it was me I’d go “Stop. Hold on. What the fuck do you mean, killing live babies? That’s bullshit. Show me your evidence. Now. If you can’t then we will stop you after every single thing you say and won’t proceed until we have fact checked it”
Maybe I’m outside of my lane here, but I really think that was the job of the two journalists serving as moderators.
Oh totally. But I don’t know if they are empowered to do that
they’re afraid to be seen as “pro-abortion” instead of just lukewarm “pro-choice,” so they let the right continue to paint abortion as basically a body horror movie.
there is a wildly bad impulse among Democrats to treat Republicans making absolutely bizarre impossible nonsensical points as though it's really some respectable intellectual point they have to deal with vs 'abortion after birth? this is a disgusting weirdo fantasy you make to hurt women'
I think Dems need to do it generally, but like so much else, it needs to be constant and loud, not a one off
They want to support abortion rights while at the same time frowning at abortion as being intrinsically bad or at least icky. "Legal, safe, rare" is one expression of it the other is just don't talk about it as you say.
The people who believe this lie aren’t going to be persuaded by Biden (who they believe is a demonic pedophile) saying it isn’t true. Talk with someone who believes this and you can’t fact check them. They believe it is true in their bones. They believe they have seen the videos.
There is a video called Frazzledrip that is famous in Q circles. It allegedly shows Hillary Clinton surgically removing a child’s face. It does not exist. And yet, people swear that they have seen it because they saw a horror movie freeze frame reporting to be it. They have created a false memory.
This is the same way you can not convince someone that public school catboys aren’t getting liter boxes. They think that they have seen proof because they want it to be true. They want to believe that their enemies are evil and they are fighting in the ultimate battle between good and evil.