
I regret that I can only cancel my subscription once for my country.
1. Cancel the NYT 2. When they come a' beggin' you back tell them WHY you canceled 3. Tell them to put you on their DO NOT CONTACT list.
(Junked my subscription back in early 2018 so please do not snap at me about anything more recent than that.)
yeah I don't even remember when I junked mine but it was years ago over a combination of anti-trans articles and fascism normalization which, you know, not exactly feeling like a mistake these days
Might be different now, but I loved how it is a mere three clicks to become a subscriber for life but took me emails and a phone call with a real live person to cancel.
It's supposed to make it as easy to unsubscribe as to subscribe, and that would be great.
I'll give credit, that made it easy for me to unsubscribe from the NYT.
Do they force you to search the FAQs to find the secret link to cancel?
It was actually pretty easy to do online. The best part is that "I have concerns about the Times' coverage" was actually an option for why you are cancelling. And they even have a text box to explain in detail.
Ditto. I canceled within the past 6 months and it was easy with just a couple of online steps. I had been putting it off for ages until I had the time and the spoons to deal with the hassle I’d heard others describe. But it was fine.