
haven’t dug in yet but wouldn’t it be interesting if the effect of a week-long blitz on age is to shore up Biden with old white people in the Midwest while softening support with youth in places that aren’t close
Is Biden down 6 nationally or up 5 in Michigan?? Time to choose your own adventure!
I think you’re onto something, because it’s really the vibe I’m getting (also I’ve been around way to many boomers and Xers this week lol)
"I'm freaked out by Biden but under no circumstances will I vote for Trump" Seems where we're at and it's probably the most difficult to actually game out
I’m not even freaked out by Biden. That’s the thing! I’m freaked out by everybody’s collective freakout
EXACTLY. How TF do break this? Dems are never going to be a monolith and just collectively say, "you know what, fuck the Times" but it feels like the Times may just push everyone to that point all by themselves.
I just feel like I'm going to keep sharing the "Why I Don't Vote" (by a voter on July 4th) and the "Felon can't be that bad if Trump's a felon" pieces.
"Crimes: should they actually be illegal now that a wealthy old white man did one?"
Now that's a message we can all get behind.
Stop giving money to the New York Times. Any money.