
Obviously the decision rests with Biden but this increasingly feel like a race between Democratic elite defection and polling suggesting Biden can still win. If the latter is more robust than the former Biden stays the nominee. If not… hoo boy.
4 more senior Dems call on Biden to stand down from reelection Other Democrats also expressed concerns with the president's prospects during a private Sunday call.
Nadler is 77. When is he leaving office?
I don't think the polls are that good. They're not so far gone it's definitively impossible, but they are bad, and that's part of what's fueling these defections.
Biden is an honorable man who has dedicated his life to service and has done a great job. He has earned the right to make his own decision without the press & nervous DEM politicians pressuring him. He has earned and deserves more respect than is being shown to him. I trust he’ll make the right dec
The polling is terrible for Biden
Umm what polling? Have you looked at the polling aggregators?
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
If not; WE ALL LOSE to that worst nightmare. How many Dems bought into those Trump nightmare, I wonder? Starting to sound like quite a bit have. I guess short-term gain is better than long-term, huh?