
When all of the Proper (legal, political, and institutional) Remedies are off the table it does not take societies long to figure out what the only Remedy they have left is, and I wonder if the Court put any thought into that!
*running out of the library of congress clutching an old piece of paper* “Guys, GUYS!! There’s a way to remove someone from a lifetime appointment without involving Congress!”
Conservatives are under the impression that guns only point one direction.
que upcoming story about the sudden increase in gun sales.
Personally, even as a firearm owner, I'd like fewer guns out there, but I also think it's a terrible idea to unilaterally disarm in the face of expressed intent to visit violence on marginalized populations (as well as "the left" broadly)
LGBTQ folks are already exhibiting an upswing in gun sales and training...and to be honest, the "Trigger Warning" LGBTQ gun club has the best name of any gun club ever, so well done there!
I'm not a fan of them, generally speaking but I do understand the self-defense motivation. (I can also understand the target shooting aspect, though hunting still bothers me.) Anyways, I think this story might surface.
I find American "gun culture" 99% disgusting...thankfully I had a father who grew up on a ranch where firearms were just utility tools, and he refused to treat them as anything more or less (to the point of a ban on squirt guns, because they encouraged taking guns less seriously).
I have to believe these are seriously insecure people with a desperate need to find belonging somewhere. I'm no psychiatrist, but it's not hard to see something weird is going on with them.
didn't they ask for their own security force? i wonder how that shook out
Either they're completely plot-impaired and cannot for the life of them understand a story/narrative, guess where it might be going, OR they consider themselves so safe from the disaster they're creating that they don't care.
There's a reason they dropped that mess on their way out the door for the season.
They're counting on their untethered armed to the teeth psycho supporters to do the repression for them and to tamp down unrest as violently and as unaccountable as possible. Get ready for militias to further proliferate and become unofficial arms of the power structure in a 2nd Trump term
Glad I've been working for years to normalize the term Trumpabteilung
There is a reason they waited till now to drop the bump stock thing. They need them back legal before November.
I’m pretty sure the violent suppression of those they view as the peasants is exactly why they gave him that power
They seriously don't believe there will be any pushback beyond college students with punk hats.
They are really counting on militarized police to shoot a few and make all the "urban" ppl run away back to their rightful places.
They expect the supporters of their side to murder whoever they need to murder to keep the left in line