Brian Orce (Twitter must be destroyed)

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Brian Orce (Twitter must be destroyed)

Twitter delenda est
(Via Ben Ansell from the other place)
Long elections waste immense amounts of money. they harass potential voters into apathy. They play into the horse-race, scandal-fed view of politics that feeds deeply unserious media coverage. They NOT INCIDENTALLY make it difficult/impossible for campaigns to deal with last-minute surprises.
note how long it took the French from calling the election to holding not 1 but 2 votes? and organizing the shit out of the second one? LESS THAN ONE MONTH A national election does not have to be a painful 1.5-2 year process! the US election campaign should quite honestly not even have started yet!!
The billboard designers perfectly imitated the usual aesthetic sensibilities of wacko anti-abortion signage, and I need to stop and get a photo of this thing (can’t find one online yet).
Drove into New Hampshire today, and immediately saw a “Democrats Will Protect Your Reproductive Rights” billboard with an American flag and a bald eagle on it, from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Excellent work. More of that please.
"If we are calling for Biden to step aside because someone must stop Trump from bringing down the republic, then surely it would have made more sense to first call for Trump to step aside?" h/t
"Lord, I see what you are doing for LePen's National Rally, and I want that for Trump's GOP."
"Lord, I see what you are doing for the Tories, and I want that for the GOP."
If you really need to read a paywalled NYT article, plug it into to save it. Someone probably already did and you usually don't even have to wait.
The issue isn't 'bias'–I read lots of biased coverage, but that I don't know how to discount what I read in the NYT anymore. In light of the recent COVID coverage, which was laughably wrong and disingenuous, and wall-to-wall Biden coverage, I simply can't trust them. Take something like Puck News…
Welp, I cut the cord to the NYT. Having done this (after 31 years), it's clear I should've done this sooner. It's not like saying to your spouse, "I want a divorce"–even if that doesn't happen, Things Have Been Said. If, in a couple of months, I decide I miss it, I can just sign up again.
I think this summed that point up quite well.
The ideal number of fascists is zero. There are 3 ways to reduce the current number of fascists 1. Convince them to abandon their views by debate and electoral defeat 2. Terrorize them into abandoning their views 3. [REDACTED]
They tried this four years ago with varying results. The far better use of the money is by buying existing local TV stations and newspapers and staffing them properly
if there is one thing I want to come out of this election, regardless of result, it is Dems - and the left more generally - finally understanding that they need to make their own media ecosystem and stop relying on folks who want them to lose to get their message out
UK and France have both defeated their right wing parties in elections this year. The US needs to get its shit together.
“Retweeting my bangers” sounds disgusting. As it should.
This is how you give fascists a platform
When your homie has your briefcase
“They made the trains run on time” No they didn’t. They shot anyone who said the trains were late
The Post Office should sell weed
Starting to think negative polarization against the New York Times’ deranged coverage may help activate a lot of people to Pokémon Go to the polls. Instagram normies and like 65 year old ladies who only post about their grandkids and the minions are leaving vicious comments
You know, it will never make sense to have “make your opponents cry” as the sum total of your politics (for one thing, it yields the initiative) - but it’s definitely *one part* of politics, and one that Democrats ignore at their peril. 1/
Profile pics and background images should have ALT text at the very least so I can see how everyone describes themselves
Let’s dunk Sulzberger’s head in the toilet
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
lmao, they’re running from *threads*? PG-rated twitter? twitter for people who can’t fight? lol
Wow. has closed their Threads account and left the platform after days of getting just shredded in the replies for their handling of Biden post debate. Now they're getting dog piled on Instagram for running from Threads.
[an awkward minute passes as Death struggles to pick up change from the countertop] Death: (embarrassed) ha ha slippery coins Drugstore Clerk: nah man it’s cuz you got them bone hands
I feel like it's a moral imperative that all of us terminally online weirdos must talk to a minimum of one (1) normal person about Project 2025 and back up that conversation with sources.
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Look I don’t care if it’s in-network or not, if I’m seriously ill take me here.
POSTAL BANKING is a great idea and it leads me to my other great idea: FEDERAL SANDWICH. Guaranteed access to a sandwich to anyone who wants one at ANY US Federal Govt facility. Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up:
Postal banking FTW!
This is the editorial view of the guy who controls which posts get shown on Vichy Twitter and which get buried. Insane that journalists continue to use it as a source of information and contribute to its legitimacy