
the problem is that argument 1 is idiotic because in this case the "no one" is, in fact, Reform UK voters. i hate everything about their worldview, but that's how they voted and they deserve representation that reflects that
The best arguments against proportional representation seem to be: (1) no one wants that many members of Reform UK in the Commons and (2) every election would ultimately come down to the Lib Dems (maybe plus a regional party / the Greens) deciding whether Tories or Labour get to form the government.
Some of us fundamentally believe that democracy is an ideal in itself and not just when it produces outcomes that flatter our priors
Also if you say "regional party" one more time,
The use of MPs isn’t to govern a region in the first place
It’s a fair one to people who insist that a local region of support should get a party like PC almost as many seats as Reform, on the idea that they have concentrated support in one region of the country.
Yes, but my point was that if I hear Wales and Scotland described as regions I will start to get very angry.
The whole "Lib Dems will choose every government" thing was basically West Germany between 1961 and 1983, during which elections were technically irrelevant because there were always only 3 parties, any 2 of which were both necessary and sufficient for a legislative majority.
And if you're concerned about Reform getting too many seats under PR, go for STV, which tends to incentivise being broadly tolerable to a wide range of voters while still delivering generally proportional outcomes.
Mind you on that, you know what, like, I don't like this idea that's been gaining ground that we should have an electoral system that penalises people who are hated by other parties' voters because tbh I just don't think that's fair.
I get people who approach this with an outcome-focused perspective, but I don't sympathise. To me this is about an exercise of a basic human right to political representation. If you are part of a large bloc of people, you deserve to have a corresponding (proportionate) voice in Parliament too.
This to me is an inalienable right and as such I don't think it gets suspended by way of the person exercising it being fucking awful.
Lots of people are hand-wringing because PR will absolutely lead to coalitions with people they "hate". That's one possible effect: others involve parties remaking themselves, fragmenting, adjusting to new forms of representation. The idea that the "good" party gets to be in charge is fantasy.
Exactly this. As a Green it was of course funny when the Greens beat the Tories in seats at the last Edinburgh council election (under STV) - but I know that there (sadly) aren't more Greens than Tories in Edinburgh - this wasn't a democratic result.
Speaking from Ireland, a country that has STV, it absolutely does not make electing headbangers impossible.
3-5 seat constituency PR STV sees some elected, I think tho she may mean single seat STV. Is still possible but less likely. Altho IMO the problem is ppl supporting that politics. Them getting eg 10% of MPs under PR just a manifestation of that. UK shows far right support can grow under FPTP too
The more electoral systems I see, the more I think the multi-seat STV is the most effective at creating real representation. I can still see its problems, but other systems seem to have worse problrms.
A bit like the quote attributed to Churchill about Democracy .. the worst system, except for all the others
Reform won’t get any bigger, as it’s only a few areas of ex BNP descendants of Moslems brown shirts areas, they will get less if the Maps don’t help and do their job though as all poor areas too