Jason the Warrenator 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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Jason the Warrenator 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


I love nerdy stuff, have a dog, have a husbear 🏳️‍🌈and 2 pointless degrees under my belt. Long time ago I was a Tibetan Buddhist monk,Losang Tharchin, did that long retreat and realised I didn’t need to have 😂 Love nature and Dr Who
And seemingly only two left in custody when Starmer ordered the reversal - all the other poor, traumatised folk (literally) had previously been released by the Tories without a word.
Good news from France, was worried for a minute
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Meanwhile, Biden HAS quietly delivered $1 billion to communities for climate shocks resilience. 👇 (My previous post had "trillion", an autocorrect. It would be good to imagine what level of funding could do, on the USAID budget too.)
I hope the new PM re nationalises the Water and Railway in England and opts for a similar blueprint to Scotland re care and education all positive things the SNP did.
So the tories are gonna look at the *5* ‘Reform’ seats and think omg we gotta get more racist, while completely ignoring the 64-seat LibDem swing
My 18 yo son told me today how optimistic it made him feel to see Starmer appointing people who seem to know what they're doing. And that is the happiest the whole thing has made me. He and his friends have basically grown up thinking what we just got rid of is the norm.
wow grown up government has finally returned the most hated thing that the Tories hated lol the Timpsons guy is pure sensible gold ! he hires homeless and ex cons and its a success
I watched Starmer's press conference earlier. It's so bloody refreshing for a calm grown up to answer questions directly. Wasn't until I saw it that I realised how deeply we have missed this.
Well worth a watch. Starmer commands the room. Seriously impressive. Answers questions directly and with authority. We could, after years, finally have a grown-up in the room. Becomes clear he and his cabinet team have been laying plans to change things for a long time. #ukpolitics
Watch live: PM Sir Keir Starmer holds news conference following first cabinet meetingwww.youtube.com Sir Keir Starmer is summoning his cabinet later this morning for a meeting to establish their agenda after the election win.Following the gathering, Sir Keir...
HMRC withheld offshore tax avoidance figures for UK’s wealthy during election - www.theguardian.com/politics/art... "Pressure on officials to publish estimate of offshore tax avoidance in almost £40bn of uncollected revenues" go for it, #starmer...
HMRC withheld offshore tax avoidance figures for UK’s wealthy during electionwww.theguardian.com Pressure on officials to publish estimate of offshore tax avoidance in almost £40bn of uncollected revenues
The Kansas Supreme Court reaffirmed abortion protections in the state’s Constitution on Friday. It struck down Republican-backed laws that banned a common second-trimester abortion procedure and that created new licensing requirements for abortion clinics.
Kansas Supreme Court Rejects Republican-Backed Abortion Regulationswww.nytimes.com The rulings were the latest blow for abortion opponents in Kansas, where abortion protections in the State Constitution have vexed Republicans for years.
Well that was an Unbelievable victory for Labour, good for England not so for Scotland
Wow the numbskulls in Scotland have just shot themselves in the face as now Westminster has full control of Scotland, very very depressing
The environmental toll of AI is obscene, especially when things like Google's AI search don't create real social benefits. prospect.org/environment/...
I am excited to see the Tories get obliterated today but I would be significantly more excited if Labour hadn’t made a hard turn into TERFdom the trans people of the UK deserve so much better
Former MI6 chief Sir Alex Younger to ITV: “Putin would’ve been absolutely delighted by our decision (to leave the EU) and so would Xi.” “Particularly since I've left office and I've travelled around Europe, I'm profoundly depressed. Just nobody mentions the UK. We've made ourselves irrelevant.”
Revealed: The secretive group taking MPs on trips to Israel www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-mone...
BTW, this sort of thing has happened in state Supreme Courts with new majorities instantly reversing recent rulings based on the the thinnest of legal reeds, so why not SCOTUS? I have a draft article about this in the works that hopefully will be available soon.
AP story waits until paragraph 16 to mention police & prosecutors are accused of conspiring to protect the cop who's apparently the real killer, until then making him seem like a lone wolf
Just a jaw-dropper from the state whose attorney general is currently trying to execute an innocent man. innocenceproject.org/missouri-cir...
Missouri woman who has served more than 40 years for murder is declared innocent by judgewww.nbcnews.com She must be freed or retried for the 1980 murder within 30 days, a judge ruled, but the Missouri AG has asked an appeals court to review the judge's decision.
Personally, I’d much rather pick the slightly addled friendly old man over the actively deranged addled old man who talks all the time about ushering in a bloody authoritarian reign of global terror. It makes me feel insane that this does not seem to be obvious to a lot of other people.
It also makes me feel insane that the rat fuck around Biden’s age and mental capacity is being uncritically spread around by Democrats when Trump is *incredibly obviously* grotesquely mentally incapacitated, in a way that is genuinely terrifying.
Goebbels himself announced that the fascists' rise to power will be enabled by the naivety of the liberals who insist on playing by the rules
" It’s clearly one of the two worst judicial decisions in our history. But, unlike Dred Scott, Trump v. United States can be undone without a civil war. Either a simple constitutional amendment or a statutorily expanded Supreme Court would suffice." - Laurence Tribe
My mum nearly died of Covid 2 years ago, she was on life support and we thought we might have to let her go but she's a fighter and when she came back to us, she said she wasn't going anywhere until the Tories had been booted out. She is 89 now, don't let her down.