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Academic at the ⋂ of cities, technology & climate change adaptation. Sometimes, I work on computational geometry libraries. Yes, I am literally and metaphorically a cocktail-dispensing bat.
I saw a toddler in a Balenciaga t-shirt earlier. Ah, the French Riviera.
Individual incidents aside, this platform’s reach will remain self-limiting until the subjects of the "PolyFrank gained Dark Clout via backchannels in Accountability Chat so we've updated the Harm Matrix" move on. Disciplinary dogpiling – even if you agree with individual instances – doesn’t work.
My opinion about JBs deactivation can only be screamed into the Tantrum Hole. It is simply not safe for social media.
I'm familiar with a lot of the Joyceans who signed the open letter in support of Fritz Senn this week but I only know, who taught me as an undergrad. I have the greatest respect for him; it is only strengthened by his comments in this article:
Joyce scholars fear ‘schism’ in their community over sexual harassment Divisions grow following efforts to handle complaints of inappropriate behaviour
Bluesky’s auto-labeller has performed the most on-brand-for-me false positive by tagging my reply containing a video link to Goethe’s “the sorrows of young Werther” as “self-harm”. I’ve blanked out the offending text, let’s see if it works now.
It is acutely embarrassing to see one's discipline chase relevance in a way that simply isn't required. What is the point of attempting to make "generative GeoAI" happen? This undignified scrabbling for novelty should be discouraged if not outright reproached by other geographers.
I see the toys have already begun to leave le landau this morning.
Will it now be curtains for our diminutive Jupiterian president?
Good things: lots of dreadful MPs gone (inc. Joanna Cherry KC. Delighted) Bad things: that vote share is catastrophic. 210 seats gained on a 2 % vote share increase, with problems facing the incoming government that will take a lot longer than five years to fix. FPTP has to go.
Who among us is not "built for raw speed with the wind abaft the beam"?
In light of the Yale findings, the most striking thing about the Cass review is that Hilary Cass was in no way qualified to conduct a systematic review, let alone lead a series of them. Look at her publication record! It takes experience and training to carry out an SR, and she has neither.
Remake of The Saint (1997) except that Emma Russell hasn't discovered cold fusion: she's discovered a new perovskite mix that boosts residential solar panel efficiency to, like, 27.2 % which has the same effect on the world's energy supply anyway.
Stopping to ask a passing crepuscular cat “was you ever in the service, sir?”
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attn scholarly organizations, this is now considered best practice
The most fragile and unstable personalities on Bluesky are those who have implemented block monitoring and reciprocation. There's definitely no correlation between relentless self-mythologising as an Internet Elder and authority on T&S, and automated rage-blocking of people who aren't interested.
Does anyone know what hack is responsible for popularising the term "big beast" in relation to UK and Irish politics? Almost every time it's used, it refers to someone whose ability to lead anything more ambitious than an encounter group in their local church is limited by their utter uselessness.
“He was looking out the window with that air of unemployment that touches the conscience of a host like a spur.”
The idea of “PhD level intelligence” isn’t really that funny to me because I’ve spent 18 years in academia and the vast majority of people are indistinguishable from the rest of the population. Please stop making incredibly unfunny jokes, it’s really embarrassing.
A commenter on the Waymo "self-driving" service: "they pull up next to parks and parking lots to avoid bothering residents. Their brake lights are on the whole time. If demand is low, they'll hang out in batches of 2-4. If a block has a hazy red hue at night, you know you've found a Waymo nest."
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The sound mirrors at Denge, 2015
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if you keep running into drama on this app you are looking for it, my friends are posting about the forest
Tales from the workplace: Trinity College Dublin will on occasion issue a key to its perimeter gates to staff members, with the provision that its loss will require the replacement of all the locks, the expense to be borne by the keyholder, deducted directly from their wages.
Something that surprises me is that nobody has really used the labelling service for fun or creativity yet. Yes, I know there’s the silly “elder” tag. That’s not what I’m talking about. A labeller and a bot together could be the basis for lots of fun interactions among a group of subscribers.