
A really easy thing to confirm by travelling to literally any other country is that The United States and people in it are extremely wealthy by world standards. We use our wealth very badly in terms of translating to quality of life, but in terms of absolute "do people here have lots of money" we do
And it's a whole lotta money that gets so much nothing. Every time I'm outside the US it's great cuz I can actually afford to buy food and clothes without all the inflated prices 🥴 I dress like a bum cuz even just basic shirts pants are outrageous! Which is great when they keep wearing out!
Clothes are very cheap! where are you shopping?
California, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas... doesn't matter where, I think we just have a different standard for very cheap. For the price of one pair of pants or one cheap shirt in the US, I can get 2-4 of either overseas. Let alone shoes or nicer clothes 🫠
i was at costco this afternoon and they had new pairs of adidas sneakers for twenty united states dollars
Can’t find them for that price on Amazon
clearance! gotta keep your head on a swivel for deals like that at the 'co
Ahhh, see but this only works if you have a vehicle and can readily visit the shops whenever it's convenient for sales. Once you fall under that magic threshold of owning a car all of a sudden all of these in-person time-based savings opportunities evaporate. 😮‍💨
also I almost never have the chance to buy clothes just because I constantly have a dozen other more important crisis combating for the dollars in the pocket. Most of my wardrobe is 20 year old stuff that's full of holes and patches. Us Disabled folk have been living that old school life for years