YIMBY Liberation Front

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YIMBY Liberation Front


No Borders, No Zoning, Taco Trucks 🌮 🛻
not really. the biggest decline in cost of clothing predates globalization and most food eaten in the united states is grown/produced domestically
this is why you do the oversight this is why you keep poking and prodding even if you can't force someone out you never know what might come out of it remember: But Her Emails came out of the endless Republican investigations of Benghazi, and it won Trump the election
Harlan Crow Provided Clarence Thomas at Least 3 Previously Undisclosed Private Jet Trips, Senate Probe Findswww.propublica.org The Supreme Court justice flew to Montana and other destinations on the billionaire GOP donor’s dime. Crow’s lawyer revealed these flights to the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose ongoing investigatio...
I think it's important to keep hammering away at the court's standing with the public and with a Dem caucus that's incredibly reluctant to embrace any sort of court reform it's going to be a big lift and anything to help build up to it is good
The extent that the Electoral College works as well it does for conservatives because of widespread ethnic cleansing does not get talked about nearly enough.
Is there any urban police force in the US that's plausibly under civic control?
Well, I think it takes time to realize how things have changed, right now, the big developers seem afraid of angering the cities, so the builder remedy stuff is mostly new players, and small scale. Hopefully things start to change.
racism is still a pretty big problem. i don't think zoning is nearly that big a share of society's problems but it's one that has a very easy and painless solution to it
LA needs 50k units/yr. The 5k units/yr in the form of ADUs are quite a bit more than a drop in the bucket. But yes we need a lot more upzoning to get us where we need to be and RHNA allocations are way too low.
Yeah IDK about that. Since the ADU reforms, ADUs now account for 20-25% of new housing units in LA where they were a rounding error before.
According to CA State Assm Alex Lee, even in areas that have loosened zoning, developers have not appreciably increased building housing.
Lot of that stuff going on, it's basically free money if you have a skillset that combines "filing the correct paperwork" and "managing a medium size construction project." According to him, it basically made the new house that they'll live in on that lot net out to free.
also I almost never have the chance to buy clothes just because I constantly have a dozen other more important crisis combating for the dollars in the pocket. Most of my wardrobe is 20 year old stuff that's full of holes and patches. Us Disabled folk have been living that old school life for years
clearance! gotta keep your head on a swivel for deals like that at the 'co
This is a bar for only the most straight heterosexual men. Cowboys, Construction workers, Cops, Leather Bound Bikers, Firefighters, Wrestlers, and Sailors. No girl stuff. Just sweaty heterosexual men being sweaty & heterosexual & male with each other. No femmes. All He/him. Males for males. M4M.
Ironically the only part that is not working is the part where the left supports a candidate that actually does what they ask for
In retrospect it's really bizarre how long Texas Republicans managed to hold the Good For Business thing running
Had the broader left been pretty uniformly behind Biden as the most progressive president since LBJ on October 6th, it would be a lot easier to believe that I/P is what’s causing their antipathy, rather than Biden being uncool.
@jbouie.bsky.social do you have history book recommendations. I’ve come to have a spiritual feeling that the African experience in the new world has so many parallels to the Biblical story. Looking to read up on what I’ve come to think of as the Chosen people
absolutely this. republicans thrive on decline! republican policies bring economic decline which brings outmigration of young people and professionals, which strengthens the republican hold on government which brings even more conservative policies which brings greater decline, etc.
People are like "why would these supposedly pro business Republicans be cutting funding for public universities that are huge economic growth engines" and like look at how the richest states vote and how the poorest states vote. If you were a Republican would you want your state to become wealthier?
People are saying this is so people's embarrassing likes aren't exposed but I suspect it's more about eliminating transparency in terms of which posts are promoted or buried and why (since the Twitter algo uses likes as an important factor in what to show you)
my main point for you, with the post-scarcity claim is that, at some point we have to realize we're actually in post-scarcity if we excessively rely on capitalism and allow it's greatest benefactors too much of a say keeping it in place, they may attempt us from realizing a post-scarcity society
Every day I’m more convinced we live in a simulation
Patriotic Americans defend immigrants and freedom of movement. #OpenBordersDemocrats
Open borders is a grand American tradition! Emma Lazarus wrote the Founding scripture to guide our civic faith with the New Colossus. Dave Eggers shows us in Her Right Foot that the Mother of Exiles still moves. We must act. Open the borders. Free them all. www.liberalcurrents.com/democracy-de...
Democracy Demands Open Borderswww.liberalcurrents.com Every immigrant is a vote for America. Every deportation is a vote against America.
"Paper Planes" is a banger tho
it's to cover the legal bills