Father Draven 🚛:$95/400 🏳‍⚧♿👩‍👧‍👦

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Father Draven 🚛:$95/400 🏳‍⚧♿👩‍👧‍👦


Not from The Church you're thinking of.

Caretaker of Trans Teens Fleeing NC♿ #MadPride #LongCovid #BPD
▶️ https://youtube.com/@FatherDraven
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Slice another query Twist another curse I'm lost amidst the theory And I cannot find my purse Dance upon denouncement Tiptoe through the praise Did Lenin enjoy fountains Would Marx have gone to raves Shimmy up an argument Slide down the words Listen to your comrades They're asking to be heard
it's hard enough to ask, but you start feeling like you need to scream and wail and gnash your teeth and pull out your hair... And even in text I can't quite bring myself to commit such words except when they are in my heart. Which is more frequent than I can stand but not frequent enough.
I kind of wanna blame the lack of donations on my lack of artistic output recently, but they never really felt connected here honestly. Always seems more connected to how desperate you appear.
I kind of wanna blame the lack of donations on my lack of artistic output recently, but they never really felt connected here honestly. Always seems more connected to how desperate you appear.
Have You Ever Heard That Thing About How Every Person Dies Twice Once When Your Heart Stops Beating And Once When Someone Thinks Of You For The Last Time I Think That's Bullshit I Think Everyone Dies At Least Eight Times I'm Not Sure What The Other Six Are But Don't You Think That's Kind Of Exciting
1. The death of Beginning, at the Big Bang. 2. The death of Life, at Birth. 3. The death of Innocence, at Adolescence. 4. The death of Love, at Heartbreak. 5. The death of the Body, at our End. 6. The death of Memory, when Forgotten. 7. The death of Words, all Erased. 8. The death of Fire, Eternity.
I still don't have what I need and they shut it off when my card declined after they tried to withdraw the money again a couple hours ago, please help me get it turned back on! 💕💸
Mutual Aid Request Hi guys, I need help again *groan*. I have a bill I need to pay. I helped my elderly housemate get some personal supplies she needed and then I was forced to go pick up medication so I ran out of funds. Can I get $75? 💕💸 V: Annaleigh-Watts CA: $annaleighmaria PP: AnaleeWatts
Urgent MutualAid request for a Grieving mother who is an Amazon worker who had to take childcare into her own hands because she had no other options. Her child accidentally turned the AC off and that caused them to perish in the NC heat, reminder that this company is🤢 www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNkN71J9/
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
dinner is successfully in the oven, but I forgot my handset with the timers when I went into the boomers kitchen to cook and was half an hour behind taking my medicine, which doesn't sound like much but I'm supposed to take it every two hours and it wears off faaaasssttttt.
defrosting my last bit of frozen protein to cook for me and the kids tonight but I'm having difficulty coming up with lunch options
oh is that why I've been doing this?
chris reminded me of this at the exact moment i needed it
"Your clothes are aging you." No kid, that was the inexorable passage of time and the grinding horrors of capitalism.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Well.. We're back under $100 in the van fund.. 😓 two steps forward, three steps back. 💜⚒️💜🏳‍⚧♿🏳‍⚧💞💸💕
Well still no movement and my ride to the grocery store is happening now (have to get the kids meds anyways). I guess I'll have to spend some of the van fund... Again... 😮‍💨
we need one good push so we can at least get started on this asap! the house is molding as it sits and my family looses more more the more they sit they need to be home! they need to escape the heat! the kids need to start prepping for school! anything helps ✨🖤
this week I could have lost my family but sadly my family has lost their home - A fire broke out at my mom’s home and while putting out the fire, a large gas leak was found. Now my siblings, their cats and my Mom are couch hopping and staying at hotels- homeless Please help us fix their home🙏🏼
Help Restore Family Home After Fire!, organized by Zoe Treezwww.gofundme.com On June 5th, 2024, my mother texted my sister and I the words "house caught fire!". Her… Zoe Treez needs your support for Help Restore Family Home After Fire!
Well still no movement and my ride to the grocery store is happening now (have to get the kids meds anyways). I guess I'll have to spend some of the van fund... Again... 😮‍💨
raising funds for groceries and the final payment on the van so we can leave North Carolina for somewhere that my kids healthcare hasn't been made illegal. veronia.studio/kofi veronia.studio/cashapp throne.com/fatherdraven 💜💜💜⚒️💜💜💜
Pay $VladimoiraLenin on Cash Appveronia.studio Instantly exchange money for free on Cash App
Well still no movement and my ride to the grocery store is happening now (have to get the kids meds anyways). I guess I'll have to spend some of the van fund... Again... 😮‍💨
raising funds for groceries and the final payment on the van so we can leave North Carolina for somewhere that my kids healthcare hasn't been made illegal. veronia.studio/kofi veronia.studio/cashapp throne.com/fatherdraven 💜💜💜⚒️💜💜💜
Pay $VladimoiraLenin on Cash Appveronia.studio Instantly exchange money for free on Cash App
I haven’t received any help and it’s going to be shut off any time now 😔🤍
$0/302 I’m disabled and very ill so my only job is SW. I’m an Afro Canadian Palestinian with relatives there so my mental health has gone downhill and I’m unable to hold a job. I need help with past due phone bill. Please help. Sorry for asking. PayPal.me/sahrasali
defrosting my last bit of frozen protein to cook for me and the kids tonight but I'm having difficulty coming up with lunch options
The discourse is getting my blood up again, and that's the last thing my body needs at the moment. I need to log off but I also need groceries. 💕💸💞🏳‍⚧♿
i've got to go back in the tent and sit down pacing around the boomers kitchen looking for something that won't literally kill me to eat it just making my blood sugar drop even faster
thought I found a block of cheese I could make a sandwich out of but it was covered in mold :-/
Ive got $20 to make it to Friday and I need to get cat litter today. If anyone can spare $15 so I can get it for my cat, that would help me so much! #mutualaid #helpsky cash.app/$dwynosb20 www.paypal.me/softso
yeah everybody talking about immigration and whatnot like biden has already failed my family
Ask anyone marginalized, and they'll point to how for *them* a hell of a lot of project 2025 has already happened to them. That very scary bullet point you want to point out? It's already been a reality for a generation, for some people.
Tough month. Most big bills covered but need help with: 💸 $110 overdue rent 🔔 $50 late fee 🌐 $80 internet Tips loved but #TTRPG rewards available. PP: https://paypal.me/tpipc Credit/Debit: https://bit.ly/payrev Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/revcasey#TTRPG rewards available. PP: https://paypal.me/tpipc Credit/Debit: https://bit.ly/payrev Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/revcasey #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest
Update I: $50 came in, thank you Adam! So I'm at $50/$75. Can someone take me the rest of the way? I'm so grateful! 😍 💕💸
Mutual Aid Request Hi guys, I need help again *groan*. I have a bill I need to pay. I helped my elderly housemate get some personal supplies she needed and then I was forced to go pick up medication so I ran out of funds. Can I get $75? 💕💸 V: Annaleigh-Watts CA: $annaleighmaria PP: AnaleeWatts
As people react to the horrible crime of someone getting pushed in front of a BART train, worth noting platform screen doors prevent this and are standard in subways around the world. BART decided against them because $24m was too expensive. www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/arti...
BART shelves costly plan for barrier to keep people off trackswww.sfchronicle.com The idea was complicated, but the need seemed clear: a see-through wall between the BART...
i've got to go back in the tent and sit down pacing around the boomers kitchen looking for something that won't literally kill me to eat it just making my blood sugar drop even faster
thought I found a block of cheese I could make a sandwich out of but it was covered in mold :-/
I bombed out of 3 American colleges on 5 separate occasions due to medical reasons... ...and I cannot overstate how much the intervening years of widespread institutional corruption have destroyed any interest I might have had in trying again. My kids have no interest. The benefits are illusions.
...and you saw how long it took anybody to actually read it. I'm not worried about brevity in my writing, I'm forced into it by all remote human interaction being crammed into microblog sized snippets of attention.
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
defrosting my last bit of frozen protein to cook for me and the kids tonight but I'm having difficulty coming up with lunch options
The discourse is getting my blood up again, and that's the last thing my body needs at the moment. I need to log off but I also need groceries. 💕💸💞🏳‍⚧♿
The discourse is getting my blood up again, and that's the last thing my body needs at the moment. I need to log off but I also need groceries. 💕💸💞🏳‍⚧♿
raising funds for groceries and the final payment on the van so we can leave North Carolina for somewhere that my kids healthcare hasn't been made illegal. veronia.studio/kofi veronia.studio/cashapp throne.com/fatherdraven 💜💜💜⚒️💜💜💜
Pay $VladimoiraLenin on Cash Appveronia.studio Instantly exchange money for free on Cash App