Mr Matt Makes Music

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Mr Matt Makes Music

Happily Married!
Producer / Owner of Black Heathen Entertainment & Fifty Over 50 Podcasts /
I'll Vote Blue No Matter Who
My mom has Fucking MSNBC on. They r covering the whole fucking rescumlican convention. What the fuck man. This is why their ratings are tanking.Then Kari Fake is on shitting on the FAKE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. MSNBC is a piece of shit. STOP FUCKING WATCHING! What more is it going to fucking take.
Donald Trump is ignorant scum...... That's it. That's the post.
I agree 100 percent
“If you’re a ‘senior Democrat’ that feels this way you should absolutely retire and make space for true leadership that refuses to resign themselves to fascism. “This kind of leadership is functionally useless to the American people. Retire.” -AOC
In 2023 he bought this upscale pad for $1.6 mil in DC adjacent Alexandria, VA. In 2018 he bought a $1.4 mil house in a liberal hood in Cincinnati. GOP populist leaders would NEVER live in their supporter’s icky neighborhoods because they hate them.
Looks Like JD Vance Bought a House in Left-Leaning Del It's already been yarn-bombed.
ICYMI: The Heritage Foundation, the main architects behind Project 2025, are scheduled to host an all-day “policy fest” tomorrow at the RNC Convention but Trump the Republican nominee for President has never heard of them & disagrees with many of their policies. 👇are a few things they plan to do.
Looks like he's either sleeping, shitting in his pants or both
And he calls Joe sleepy? At his convention last night.
Today, I commit to voting for President Biden because I like presidents who prioritize the well being of the middle class, ensure economic growth, protect Medicare and Social Security for our seniors, and passionately defends our democracy against domestic terrorists...
🩵 🇺🇸 Today, I commit to voting for President Biden because I like presidents who 🇺🇸 Pro-Democracy Musical Affirmation 🦋🩵🎶 Today, I commit to voting for President Biden because I like presidents who prioritize the well being of the mi...
I do t feel sorry for him or his family. One less Trump voter and hopefully his family will wise up and do the same. No fucks given here.. Is it harsh? 🤷🏾‍♂️
By all means, beatify the felon, you slimy, unserious propaganda rag
If we had seen the attack on Donald Trump only through television footage, it would have appeared shocking, but also chaotic and muddled, our critic writes. The still images of the assassination attempt tell another story.
The Photographs That Made Trump an Incarnation of In video footage, everything was pandemonium. It was still images that defined the attack and its aftermath.
I think Bidens presidency has been awesome! My one complaint.. his one biggest mistake... MERRICK FUCKING GARLAND
Clarence Thomas: Rapist who got away with it. Brett Kavanaugh: Rapist who got away with it. Donald Trump: Rapist who got away with it, and much more. This is the #Republican idea of justice and governance. And if you think they're looking out for you, you've got another thing comin'.
The only way this fucking mess will stop is us coming out in record numbers, give Biden the house, senate and White House so he can appoint more Supreme Court justices and get the court back in balance. Also there needs to be age limits. The longer they're in, the more Corrupt they will get. VOTE!
They are waging a war against us and our democrat leaders are "nice guying" our way right into a dictatorship. We need leaders with some fucking balls. WTF
Project 2025 is a very thick tome but there are 3 basic things. 1 Concentrate power in the President (Trump) 2 Follow a hardline Christian nationalist agenda 3 Destroy the regulatory bureaucracy. That's simple enough for you friends who say they aren't political.
Project 2025: The myths and the The sweeping conservative plan for Trump's second term is very real. Here’s what it actually says.
He's a classless pathetic piece of shit. 100 percent STAGED !!
How is the right-wing death squad idiots handling a republican shooting at IQ45? T-shirts went on sale, immediately! Tell me this wasn't staged! 🤣
Spare me the pearl-clutching, Trump worshippers. Your golden calf has been spewing hate & filth for years. You reap what you fucking sow. The day that fuck dies there'll be dancing in the streets from sea to shining sea. You bet your ASS for once I wish he was just a little farther to the right.
This is so true.. please do t let them change the narrative that he's a pedo and there's proof with the Epstein files
Thoughts and prayers for sepsis! This staged event happened because Ebsteins pedo files released and #PedoTrump and ##TrumpPedoFiles went viral! He wanted the headlines back! Please don't give him that!
This makes total sense
Thoughts and prayers for sepsis! This staged event happened because Ebsteins pedo files released and #PedoTrump and ##TrumpPedoFiles went viral! He wanted the headlines back! Please don't give him that!
He's trying to change minds with this stunt. Did it change your mind? It didn't change mine. Biden 2024
Trump can't win with policies. Only a spectacle. It's bullshit In Australian news first! NPR was live streaming, I saw it there, but no updates! They just hustled the asshat off the stage into a car.
Shots fired at Trump rally in Shots are fired and Donald Trump has been escorted to a vehicle at a rally event in Pennsylvania.
I know there is a lot going on, but an unusually high number of CIA agents were killed, captured, or compromised after Trump stole classified documents about them. Just thought I should remind everyone of that.
George Clowney is a shit actor anyways. He had one character her plays. Can't stand these rich uppity fucks.
I'm just blocking Biden haters. When you're old and gray and complaining how your family abandoned your ass because you're old.. I hope that's the last thought that crosses your feeble mind before u die.
I can't stand these fake ass "writers" shitting on Biden for clicks to their garbage writing. You know who you are. You can fuck off.
This from the Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania, Austin Davis! 💀