Ray Beckerman

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Ray Beckerman


NYC business lawyer. I post about law, social justice, human & animal rights, nature, arts, and ecology. #voteblue #progressive
This is the answer. You chose an old white middle of the road man four year ago. It's over. This is your bed, get in line, get the narrative back on Trump and Supreme Court. It's a good narrative. Get to work. Media ain't helping you so get out of your own way.
Some of the things nobody is talking about: • Trump is a convicted felon • Trump is delaying his trials for insurrection and possessing secret documents illegally, with aid & comfort from judges • Trump is likely a Russian agent • Trump allegedly raped a 13 year old girl
It may be too late for the Dems to get another candidate on the ballot if Biden resigns. We all had better stop badmouthing Joe until this question is settled, or Trump may run unopposed.
Lynx serve many crucial ecological roles, yet are solitary, secretive animals only a little bigger than a labrador dog. They very rarely attack livestock or pets, and *never* people. We need to be talking about their reintroduction to Ireland. 🌎
The Heritage Foundation are a domestic terrorist group. Never forget it.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here: newrepublic.com/article/1834...
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!”newrepublic.com Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
from Annie @AnnieForTruth The 176 pages of Jeffrey Epstein’s Grand Jury testimony were released a few days ago implicating Donald Trump and his encounters with young girls. Since then, we hear nothing from the MAGA! 🤔🙄😂 ...why isn't the MSM reporting this?
The Chevron deference was a safeguard against Project 2025 and a complete corporate lobbyist takeover of our government. It was overturned because right-wing billionaires bribed the right-wing Supreme Court Justices. 👉🏻 Make Judicial Reform the priority.
Supreme power grabpopular.info For thirty years, federal law has required commercial fishing boats to include a trained observer to ensure the vessel does not engage in overfishing or other prohibited practices. The law specifies t...
Donald Trump is a convicted felon and also accused in court documents of raping children.
It feels so strange to not read @nytimes.com and @washingtonpost.com AND not tuning into my normal fav @msnbc.bsky.social shows. I CANNOT listen/read all this hysteria after a bad debate & digging for stories about lapses etc. Way to go to discredit a very good man when Trump is a lying criminal.
The Domestic Threat today is Trump and the Republicans in Congress. Not all Republicans share the same views as the ones in Congress. I’m calling on You the Decent Republicans Not to Vote for Trump. I know it’s hard to go Against Your Party but Democracy is On The Line! Please Use Your Power!
Is Trump lying about not knowing anything about Project 2025? Yes. If Trump wins, is he going to do whatever he wants regardless of what the Project 2025 wonks tell him? Also Yes.
JFC... Could we just learn from history before repeating it??!?? I'm so tired of the Biden age "problem"... STOP beating that poor old horse. He's all we've got, he's good man.. and the rancid sewer rat wants to destroy us all. #BidenHarris
So, to be clear: Trump knows nothing at all about #Project2025 but has definite opinions about its contents, and knows nothing at all about the people behind it (in spite of most of them having worked for him) but wishes them luck with anything they do. Suuuure, Jan. 😏
Do you know what Project 2025 is and how it will change your life IF YOU’RE FOOLISH and NOT VOTE DEMOCRAT in November? www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNhR8pEg/
TikTok - Make Your Daywww.tiktok.com