
Went to a clinic today for a routine medical thing and was once again amazed by the number of people who are happy to hang out and just freely breathe in all the air juice inside the germ emporium
Considering the numerous deleterious effects of long covid, even for "mild" cases, think of covid as airborne HIV/AIDS.
Uhhhh, fucking no. We aren’t missing a generation because of COVID. COVID was never a guaranteed death sentence. People were never going to one friend’s funeral a week because of COVID. Please recognize that for queer folks, this is a bit like comparing a mass shooting to the Holocaust.
Extremely disagreement within my heart and I fear myopia within your on this issue 😔
But yeah, I’m pretty inflexible on the AIDS crisis, because I’m not a historically amnestic child, and because I can understand degrees of suffering. Nobody thought that all people like them were being eradicated by the universe because of COVID. Learn.
Look I'm not queer so I'm not gonna get into it, but as a person who was immunocompromised pre-covid I have to strongly disagree with your statement that "Nobody thought that all people like them were being eradicated by the universe because of Covid" we did. The eugenicists came out of the woodwork
Yeah? Were they on national TV? Did they laugh at your dead friends? Did they spit on you for visiting your dying friends in the hospital? What parts of disabled culture were destroyed by COVID? How many of y’all were disowned for COVID >existing
Are you genuinely incapable of understand that two things can be bad, AND one of them can be much worse? Which one was worse: the Holocaust, or the Titanic? See? Easy, yeah? So you’re either WILDLY ignorant of the history of AIDS, unbelievably selfish, or a bigot.
In all three cases, the move was to shut the fuck up, not chime in with how you personally felt when the topic is tragedies that affected millions. NOT AS BAD does not mean NOT BAD. God DAMN you for refusing to understand that. How dare you speak to me.
1981-86 in the USA 47,993 people died with AIDS I can't find a % breakdown of those deaths but the risk of transmission is 20% for anally receptive partners of someone with an active infection, 2% for vaginally réceptive partners.
Compared to Covid? 104.5millon people in the USA died with Covid in the first three years of the pandemic. 20% of people with underlying conditions compared to 2% of people without. I think my comparison is apt.
More apt than I knew before I properly dug into the statistics even!
...So you're just like this all the time then?