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98 degrees from the University of Fahrenheit.

I'd rather be here and now.

If you can read this, you are part of the vast conspiracy of the literati.

AI powered sex bots are also known as sigh borgs.
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being.
the entire house is like this I'm screaming. kid's gonna go to a Target or something one day, see a primary color for the first time, and lose their fucking mind
Adolph is such a charismatic, dynamic leader, his ideology doesn't harm me, and his policies are good for the economy. What could possibly go wrong?
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Infinite growth in a finite space never turns out well. Wild how even conservative fiscal speculators are finally getting the picture of how important containers and context are.
“…past predictions of global warming have proved largely correct. To persist with scepticism is immoral and stupid. Even a free-market fanatic cannot deny that environmental externalities are a form of market failure. Climate is the biggest externality of all.”
Market forces are not enough to halt climate changewww.ft.com Investor returns imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant
The best wine starters are tofu of the maidens stomping the grapes.
Also how many religions started.
Should I be up at 2 am watching documentaries on ancient aliens? Ancient alien theorists probably say yes.
Yet another "gift" from the pesticide industry. Roundup and others disrupt the gut biome. "...observed a decrease in the bacterial genes responsible for the synthesizing of riboflavin (vitamin B2) and biotin (vitamin B7) in patients diagnosed with Parkinson's" scitechdaily.com/new-study-li...
New Study Links Gut Vitamin B Deficiency to Parkinson’s Diseasescitechdaily.com Nagoya University researchers found that deficiencies in gut bacteria genes for vitamins B2 and B7 are linked to Parkinson’s disease, suggesting that B vitamin supplementation could be a potential tre...
Circumcision is also a Women's issue for hetero couples. Far too many American Women take for granted the need for lube, and the lack of connection during sex with cut partners unless they are cunning linguists. European Women know better, with intact being the norm there. See her all knowing smile?
One thing we do not know is where the threshold is, when the terrestrial feedback system flips from self regulating to open loop runaway Venus effect. One thing we know for sure is we do not want to go near that threshold. One other thing we know is that sociopaths do not care about ecocide.
Can't let our disdain for AI make us forget to go after bitcoin too
A habit of authoritarians learned from Edward Bernays: Operate from the shadows. "...the Shirion Collective, a conspiracy-driven, pro-Israel disinformation network that has been active in shaping public opinion in the US, Australia and the UK about Israel’s military onslaught in Gaza."
When folks ask you for receipts say less "Its activities have included harassing pro-Palestinian activists, including many Jews critical of Israel, offering bounties for the identities of pro-Palestinian protesters, and spreading conspiracy narratives centred on figures like George Soros."
Exposed: Tech entrepreneur behind pro-Israel hate network targeting Palestinianst.co A hate campaign led by supporters of Israel has been uncovered, revealing a web of anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim propaganda spread across social media. A Guardian investigation has exposed a group....
Authoritarians have always found a marginalized minority to vilify and blame. LGBTQ is the latest target, since blatant racism is no longer socially acceptable. The simplistic binary mindset cannot fathom that a couple percent of humans are born intersex, and gender fluidity is common in nature.
How did Douglas Adams know?
Decided just now to start rereading Hitchhikers Guide for the first time in many years and uh
It's not really OCD unless it's CDO in alphabetical order.
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
Reskeet with a tweet you still think about
My heart goes out to Gabor Mate, Norman Finklestein, and many less well known progressives who happen be of Jewish heritage. They have had to put up with neo-nazi slurs since forever, and now "get" to fend off similar Zionist slurs when critiquing colonial, apartheid, genocidal practices of Israel.
The Founding Fathers of America who signed the Declaration of Independence were slave owners.
pretty weird to think that the usa which just had a king appointed is gonna celebrate no king day tomorrow and the country theyre celebrating the bye bye king from will have their king tell us who will run that country for the next 5 years
Rishi is just like us, relates like one of us.
To clarify this for the Americans: Rishi is a posho fuckrat, wealth beyond wealth, he probably eats quail stuffed with caviar with a side of lobster foie gras every day for lunch. He said 'sandwiches' because he thinks it's what the povvos eat all the time
Funny how fusion energy turned out to be a perpetual energy scheme, of Rube Goldberg complexity. While sun, wind, waves, geothermal continue to produce renewable energy, it is perpetually 10 years in the future. gizmodo.com/delay-larges...
We'll Have to Wait a Bit Longer for the World's Biggest Fusion Reactorgizmodo.com The long-anticipated experiment will have a revised schedule and a different approach to reaching its eventual reactions.