Jess Rose

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Jess Rose

Public universal momfriend.
Carving a list of things that are hard in England for no reason into the soft parts of my heart. There’s no reason buying a flat should take 6+ months, how do you people live like this?
Everything is very stressful in large scale ways I have no control over please recommend me some anime instead, thank you.
Absolutely wild how many of my problems were solved by working less, shoutout to literally everyone I knew who screamed this at me for years.
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It’s time to buckle down and get serious about my goals so I’m gonna see how long it takes me to walk every street in Brum 😌
no, ur crying while eating leftover tres leches cake because your friends love you and you love them so much
Reposted byAvatar Jess Rose
Reposted byAvatar Jess Rose
Meta published a paper where they admit to engaging is massive copyright theft in order to train their LLM.
Fruit Of The Poisonous LLaMA?
In a real good mood and trying to figure out whose problem to make this
Love how pet ownership gives you the chance to explore deep philosophical questions around, such as: - is she a baby? - is she a tiny baby? - is she the smallest baby? - will I pick her up and kiss her? - is this her baby nose?
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If you're coming to OpenData Camp Manchester this weekend, I've created a Signal group for socialising. DM me if you'd like to be added. #ODCamp
Finally caught the baffling goblin cat feet stretch on camera, please enjoy the fleshy horrors
Experimenting with a Flex Time working pattern at work and will have most of July off. What would you nerds do with a month mostly off? I’m doing admin and learning to play the ukulele and a meditation course but am open to suggestions!
Broke something in my brain recently where I just really like people now. People in general. People on the street. People in front of me in queues. People at the airport.
Gonna stay up and read books and ruin my sleep schedule and nobody can stop me
Reposted byAvatar Jess Rose
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
She is so useless and so soft and so small
Reposted byAvatar Jess Rose
Have had near zero sleep but am in a really good mood which has opened up a new vista of feeling weird.
So a fancy weeklong hobbyist furniture making course is £850 but a yearlong carpentry trade skills course is £1000 and I am about to make a terrible mistake
Hottest day of the year and the meat cats are in a pile because who doesn’t want that
Love my useless cats dealing with object permanence in weird nonhuman ways. My ugliest* cat is currently angrily pawing the floor where a blanket was yesterday. Because this is now the blanket zone. *he is also my favourite
Reposted byAvatar Jess Rose
I am back on my bullshit (looking up obviously haunted derelict Irish cottages that qualify for government restoration grants)
I have no idea what everyone on here is yelling about so I’m going to go ahead and log off before I learn about discourse against my will.
Love the weird feedback loop of singing useless little snippets of nonsense to my cats, them clamouring and mugging in response, which floods me with the dopamine needed to cement the silly little songs in my heart, mind and schedule forever.
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Oh wow, the tagline: “Love is real. Demons are real. Kill the demons.” suggests that I have picked the best Saturday night horror book for a solo date night. Thanks for writing this,