
Conservatives have been steamrolled in the UK and now France. In the case of France, they DRAMATICALLY under-performed expectations. I honestly think we're seeing the fruits of the far-right overplaying its hand and underestimating how receptive people are to it.
The French understand that a far-right govt is infinitely worse than even the most disappointing left govt. So they coalesce to keep the Nazis out in a way the U.S. left never does.
I disagree. Trump under-performed his poll numbers in 2020 and the GOP in general did the same in the midterms in 2022. I think we're seeing an era I'd call the Loud Tory Effect, which is where the far right misinterprets their ability to be heard with their actual popularity.
I think you're right about that in general. But I think there's a large segment of "the parties are the same" folk in the U.S. that really DON'T think a Trump victory is any worse than a Biden won for anyone except Biden. And they think it's a good idea to "punish" Biden/Dems by not voting
Because they REALLY don't think it Trump will be any more damaging to people.
some really just want him to oppose genocide, Dan
I hate to break it to but Biden COULD NOT "end it with a phone call" like you all seem to think. And he's done far more than fucking Trump "need to finish the job" ever will. But I get it your purity and self-righteous matter more to you than any damage caused.
This is a dilemma I often discuss with anti-vaxxers. They have this philosophy that the choice NOT to do something (in this case, not vaccinating) absolves them of the responsibility of the consequences of not doing it. If your kid gets measles and gives it to a preg woman... it's your fault.
he could call it a genocide and let the ICC do its job. no, he can't "end it with a phone call" but he's not even trying.
And it’s him not even trying that we’re fucking livid about.
Be as mad as you want. But don't pretend that not voting for him and a Trump presidency will be in any way anything but much, much worse for Gaza. And don't ignore the full ramifications and damage such a course will cause to other marginalized groups. You don't have any GOOD options
I assure you, the left is still voting for Biden even though we don't like him or liberalism.
On balance I think you're right, most will, the question is whether it will be enough.