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Into politics and video games. May occasionally post FFXIV gposes when I have the spoons. She/Her.
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I am endlessly amused that this current hurricane is named after a Sailor Moon villain. I hope no one gets hurt, but Queen Beryl is trying to get her revenge!
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Roses are red, Curry has cumin,
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some things we, as a society, have recently done to teens: -traumatized them with gun violence -vastly reduced their rights to reproductive healthcare -had a moral panic about their genders -abandoned them to the ravages of covid, destroying their immune systems it's not tiktok that fucked em up
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The reason why they keep doing UBI studies and not actually implementing UBI is that the people doing the studies want UBI and the people who have the power to implement it do not want UBI.
So I take a few weeks away because I’ve been hyperfocused on the Karen Read trial, pop back in here because my feed is usually good for a few lighthearted laughs, and I see that it’s basically imploded. Now i’m just sad. And I am absolute shit at expressing why.
So hyped for Dawntrail right now. These will be the longest 2 weeks!
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NEW: After Netanyahu's government was caught ordering a malign influence operation against US voters last week, WIRED began questioning US lawmakers about it. We've been stonewalled at every turn. The White House even denied having heard of it.
US Leaders Dodge Questions About Israel’s Influence Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has joined US intelligence officials in ignoring repeated inquiries about Israel’s “malign” efforts to covertly influence US voters.
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Today's the 54th anniversary of the Kent State Massacre. Ohio Governor James Rhodes, the day before the massacre: "They're worse than the Brownshirts, and the Communist element, and also the Night Riders, and the vigilantes. They're the worst type of people that we harbor in America."
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Now that snipers are trained on peaceful students and professors are being hog-tied by masked men with assault rifles, it'd be great to hear from all the people who made "free speech on US campuses" their life's mission every time they met a student with blue hair.
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Lochner 2.0 incoming
What an unsurprising turn of events that a lawsuit was filed within minutes of the FTC announcing the non-compete rule. And it was filed in the northern district of Texas. Of course.
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Her name is Susanna Rustin and she’s not a friend. Spread this far and wide
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that woman is putting out a transphobic book, she WILL use that article for free publicity by controversy - she will lie and then scream cancel culture, you know the grift DO NOT ENGAGE
Her name is Susanna Rustin and she’s not a friend. Spread this far and wide
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A good org to give to this Passover. Also still operating in Gaza are Doctors Without Borders,
There's a tradition of giving to those who are hungry before Seder. Here's a link to give to UNICEF, one of the few aid organizations still operating in Gaza--which is facing a famine.
MSF - Médecins Sans Frontières | Medical humanitarian MSF is an international, independent organisation. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare
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Please don't excuse Columbia and other school's administration by claiming they're overreacting because they don't know how to handle protest. Yes the fuck they do
This is starting to remind me of the Vietnam war protests. Biden would do well to listen to the youth here, because he WILL NOT win without them, and the other option is terrible.
At least 47 people were arrested at Yale University on Monday during pro-Palestinian protests. Student-led demonstrations set up an encampment that they said was in support of Columbia University protesters.
Dozens of Yale Students Arrested During Campus Demonstrators were arrested on Monday morning after setting up an encampment that they said was in support of Columbia University protesters.
Why is labeling people who are critical of Israel “antisemetic”? I thought this site was supposed to be BETTER than the other one.
Biden banning tiktok will cost him the election. I know he’s on the ropes with his unquestioning support of Israel. But the kids will care more about their social media app. Ain’t no way he wins without the support of the 18-25 year old crowd.
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Ay crosspost but share this and get it to your local dolls what ain’t on social media as much.
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Losers are like “I was mistaken for a trans woman once and was treated terribly, so I experience transmisogyny!!” Real ones are like “I was mistaken for a trans woman and was treated terribly, so I stand in unconditional solidarity with the dolls knowing what they deal with every day.”
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DeSantis has signed a law blocking local governments from enacting heat protections for outdoor workers—including the farmworkers that feed him and his family. “Two million people in Florida, from construction to agriculture, work outside in often humid, blazing heat.”
Florida blocks heat protections for workers right before Miami-Dade County had proposed rules that would give workers breaks, water, and shade when it's too hot. But a new state law prevents cities and counties from doing that.
The eclipse from my back yard
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If anyone would like to donate to support the families of the men killed on the Key Bridge when it went down, this is one of the official fundraisers. The families are living a nightmare right now.
265 - MIMA - Key Bridge Emergency
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Honestly Easter really is the perfect day to remind everyone that anyone can be reborn into a more perfect image of God Happy Trans Day of Visibility and Happy Easter