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Jennie 🐝
Painting minis, reading books and drinking tea. 🐝
In loyal service to the Crimson King. 🐝
Header paintovers by ArtistsEmpire. 🐝
Suffering from a rather persistent infection at the moment and feeling sorry for myself. So here's my Lord of Contagion. I might also be writing a little Death Guard story for the Cold Open Fast Fiction contest. If life gives you lemons... 😂
For days Fox's anxiety has been so bad and I just couldn't get him to settle. I've had calming ambient music playing, he even has medication and it's not helping. I just put Disturbed on really loud and he's instantly fallen asleep. Finally relaxed. That's my dog. 😆
Keeper of the Blade. Thousand Sons Daemon Prince and aspect of the Crimson King. I don't think I've posted a picture of her singly and finished yet.
Reposted byAvatar Bees
Reposted byAvatar Bees
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Reposted byAvatar Bees
An enthusiastic customer put their completed version of my electricity pylon kit on a FB Fallout group last week and my laser hasn't stopped running with new orders since. Please share your buys and completed wins from us Indies. It's *so* important to us!
Reposted byAvatar Bees
Is there any chance someone has two or three right handed MK II and/or MK III power fists lying around? And even longer shot: Maybe some of the OOP Sons of Horus etched brass?
It's Friday, I've been too ill to paint recently, so here are some old pictures of my favourite Death Guard boy, Vorx.
Normalise painting makeup on minis.
Graffiti in Norwich. 💚
Health issues mean I'm struggling to keep on top of the garden and I've lost my table to brambles, but on the plus side I have some very happy bees. 😄 And maybe I'll have enough blackberries to try making some jam.
My two Thousand Sons Daemon Princes. 🐈🐦
Reposted byAvatar Bees
I thought it would be sensible to sort out a wishlist of old minis I need/want to get my Lamenters vaguely finished. So if you have any of these specific models and are looking to offload them for a sensible price, hit me up sometime :)
Reposted byAvatar Bees
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2024 YAAAA! In respect of our queer elders I give you the gayest Mackie in all the land. First Battlemech ever produced, now in rainbows. #battletech #minipainting #pride
I think I'm going to call her there, other than putting some tufts on the base, as I keep breaking things. Might do some fire effects.
Making progress on the daemon prince.
Reposted byAvatar Bees
Happy Pride, darlings ❤️ We belong here, we make the world better. We are beautiful, and we are strong. Don’t let the bastards get you down 💪
Painting this model is a puzzle of which sub builds to paint first. I did the base first, then the bottom half of the body and robe. Now I've glued it on I can paint the bits I was holding. 😄
Reposted byAvatar Bees
Yo, happy Pride Month, you bunch of chimkens!🌈🎉
Reposted byAvatar Bees
June? Inconceivable! Just a quick heads-up to let you know that May's Loyalty Club mini (Merry May Cultist), plus piece #9 from the scenic tile set, are either en route or already in your letterbox. Thanks to @VoiceofKosh for the first receipt pic in The Wild (TM). Want to join in?
Reposted byAvatar Bees
I hope everyone has a safe and happy Pride month 🩷❤️🧡💛🤎💚💙💜🖤🤍
Reposted byAvatar Bees
#Ad With Kill Team: Termination on pre-order, (sent my way by Games Workshop), here’s 4 How Knot to Paint cards for the Brood Brothers representing Hive Fleet Leviathan, Cetu, Kronos & Jormungandr. More on the blog! #WarhammerCommunity #KillTeam #AdWIP
One of the best things about Kill Team is the small model count means you can convert and put detail into the painting that you wouldn't do on a larger army. So when Games Workshop sent me the Termination box I thought I'd do just that. 🙂 #Ad #WarhammerCommunity #KillTeam #AdWIP
Fire Friday! It was looking too washed out before, but I think I'm happy with it now.
A delivery day is always a good day.
So... Many... Skulls...
Nearing completion on the Skulltaker for the 40 Hours Of 40k raffle. Next job, onto the cape 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀