Matt 'Wib' Ward

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Matt 'Wib' Ward

Maker of videos, caster of pods, painter of tiny goblins. He/Him.
Saw Electric Six with We last saw them around 2007 and they’re still great live!
in warhammer the imperial cult accepts many different forms of worship of the emperor and there are countless imperial worlds so statistically at least one worships the god emperor as "sleepy dan"
Y'know, I think how detailed a lot of modern minis have become, leading to you needing to paint them in multiple assembles, has absolutely contributed to the fact I mostly paint models from 80s and 90s these days. I really do not care for the faff. A simple chunk of metal is so much less hassle.
I know this might be rich coming from a YouTuber who makes some of his money from ad revenue, but man it feels like the amount of ads in things online has really grown massively over the last year, making the experience much worse.
If you're finding the world a little hard to deal with you could try my coping mechanism: Watching Scrapheap Challenge episodes on YouTube.
It's not an original observation, but, looking at the numbers, this was not a victory for Labour's platform, it was a staggering defeat for a Tory party that has absolutely torn itself and the country to bits. There is a difference there, and it's important.
I can’t believe Jeremy Corbyn would do this (be incredibly popular with his constituents).
I have thrown myself at this script tonight because the stuff I needed to write about was going to be annoying and require a lot of reading but my first, kinda dogshit draft is complete! Now to go paint minis and try not to pay too much attention to election bullshit.
Because I saw this mentioned elsewhere but not here: Out of date photo ID is still considered valid ID for voting.
Whilst I would never tell anyone who to vote for, especially this time around when the viable options are so dire, but what I will say is that if you vote Tory today you aren’t allowed in my house anymore.
Painted some missile lads. For those curious, I have a total of 16 minis left to paint before the army is done.
The most surprising thing I learned from the latest video is that a shocking amount of people have actually played Assassinorum Execution Force. Often just once, but still!
If you knew of Ryse "Chickpaints" on Instagram, Twitch or Twitter. Please consider giving this a read, and maybe donate or share if you can. Her family are unable to pay for a funeral after her 7ntimely death they have only recently been notified of. Thank you
Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet, organised by Gavin Hi, my name is Gavin and I'm trying to raise some funds on behalf of… Gavin Cliffe needs your support for Donate to the memory of Màryse "ChickPaints" Ouellet
Watching a Mothman documentary and swearing at the TV every time they say something that 10 seconds of fact checking can tell you isn’t true or when treat John Keel like he wasn’t a narcissistic lying grifter.
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Keeping myself centered by thinking about Hulk skanking to the heavy heavy monster sound of Madness.
Quick question: I know 2nd ed 40k was a big 'HeroHammer, give your characters ludicrous wargear and watch them murder whole units' time, but was 4th edition Warhammer Fantasy the same deal? Looking at the books it always feels like it's an obvious thing that would happen, but I wasn't there.
I dunno, folks, feels like 'one specific guy can do crimes if he likes', isn't a great precedent to set. That's one way to end up with a monarchy, and they're a really bugger to shift once you've got an infestation.
May I offer you a rat during this trying time?
Finally got around to actually watching Dungeons & Dragons: Honour Among Thieves and honestly really enjoyed it. A fun romp that gave me my son: Themberchaud
I just saw some footage from the Biden/Trump debate and wow. Say what you like about the state of UK politics, but the venal liars we have to pick from can at least string a coherent sentence together. I can see why people are *concerned*.
Now that my Lamenters army is nearing completion, the siren call of new Skaven models makes me want to have a shot at a 40k Skaven army. I know it's not original but that old Hrud art from 3rd ed is still wedged in my brain. Maybe just a combat patrol? Based on Genestealer Cults?
I am shocked, I tell you, SHOCKED, that this plan didn't work out. Who'd have thought crypto bros would have no idea what they're doing?
Remember when a group of crypto bros bought a copy of 'Jodorowsky's Dune' for $3 million (around 100x more than it was worth) thinking they could turn it into NFTs and an animated series because they didn't understand what copyright is?
The Saga of the 'Dune' Crypto Bros And Their Very Pricey Mistake Is At Its In a dismal crypto climate, the group is looking to sell its 'Dune' bible and cash out its treasury. “Really wish this worked out better," the group co-founder said.
After wondering where they'd got to for like 2 years I have finally found my big bag of Space Crusade Orks and Grots. Their location: actually in the Space Crusade box.
Got a comment that kinda implied we wouldn't know what things were like in the 90s. I do wonder how old people think we are sometimes, but given that I'm nearly 38, I suppose I should take it as a backhanded compliment.
the tiniest little change to this Ork Kommando was turning his beanie into a bobble hat and it makes me laugh every time I see him on the shelf