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True Blue Democrat 🌊💙. Wife of a Veteran, Mom, Nana. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️Ally, ADHD. Equal Rights means equal for all. Wear a mask, wash your hands and get vaccinated. Same name on the bird app.
What a delightful dude. They are made for each other
So the bullet just pierced his ear so where did it go since no one behind him was hit? They all took out their cell phones right away to. He touched his face and no blood yet he crouched down gets up and blood is on top of his ear and traveled across his cheek to his mouth and chin. Hmmm.
If you believe he had no knowledge in what happened today I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you
Many of you won’t vote for Biden because he is getting older but you have no problem voting for this one. Make that make any sense at all.
Someone I grew up with posted on FB that she isn’t voting for Biden because the price of gas and food is too high. I would rather pay a little bit more and have a great man leading us than having a convicted felon in the White House with plans to ruin our Country. Just saying.
Just an FYI not that it matters but I will no longer follow just anyone back and will block all that follow me that don’t have the interests and cause for being here that I do. If Bluesky doesn’t want to make a soft block than I don’t need 30 or more anime accounts in another language following me.
Got what he deserves I found this on NewsBreak: Rudy Giuliani officially disbarred in New York for Trump election interference efforts
Reposted byAvatar Roseymelhill
Every sane American should cancel their subscription to the New York Times.
Reposted byAvatar Roseymelhill
Big chunks of Texas were under heat warnings this past week — with heat indexes hitting 115°F. Reminder that Texas Gov. Abbott signed legislation that prohibits cities from mandating employers to provide workers with rest and water breaks. This is the GOP's vision for America.
The fact that so many still support him now that he is a convicted felon is disgusting and shows what our country has come to because of him.
Reposted byAvatar Roseymelhill
Dr. Fauci will go down in history as a selfless hero who dedicated his life to help others. Moscow Marge will go down in history as a disgusting pathetic moron traitor who disgraced America and embarrassed her Sasquatch clan.
X or twitter or whatever it is has turned into maga central. That is all you see there now.
Exactly! Young women don’t listen to anything Harrison Butker said. His own mother is a well known physicist who works full time to this day and supported him while growing up so he could learn how to kick the ball and be able to make ridiculous comments.
Avatar is there ever going to be a soft block option so not everyone either follows us or is blocked?
This Harrison Bukter dude needs to be reprimanded the way Colin Kaepernick was. Why should someone get a free pass because they say they did something based on religion? And who is this Harrison twerp to tell any women how to behave and what to be and become. Is he jealous????
A juror in trump’s trial had to be removed because her personal info was being released to the press. Of course his side is blaming the journalists but how many more will this happen to before they realize who is truly behind it?
A total freak show. Why the courts have allowed trump to take up this much of their time is just ridiculous
You know something is wrong in this world when someone under federal investigation and found guilty on some charges is still not only running for president but beating others in his party.
When is enough finally going to be enough??
Just knowing he was ordered to pay this and knowing how mad he must be over this is a victory in itself.
Good afternoon everyone except trump, the entire GOP, DeSantis and this one who claims he was and still is a democrat but only campaigns with republicans