
the other thing about this is that the majority on the court are playing at being elite, top tier level politicians, but with none of the lifetime worth of training in PR, strategy, comms, communication and consensus building a lifelong politician gets, which is why they look like such sweaty clowns
the kind of sweaty, panicky greasing the chute that we've seen from the court in an election year aren't the kind of decisions you'd expect from judges who are confident things are going to swing their way naturally
i do think democrats up and down the ballot have got to get a lot gnarlier about making it clear that they are running against the court and that the court is a political body of unelected politicians, but i'm an amateur armchair idiot, i won't claim to know how best to do that
I believe that Democrats are getting gnarlier about it. It's just that our MSM isn't giving them the spotlight or the microphone. The ones who really need to get their s#@t together are the smug purists and their "both sides!" nonsense who are pushing for people to throw their votes away.
they’re getting better at it, i agree, they have to keep getting better at it
They don't have a lot of time to become experts.
but you can’t play to “the deep state” because, well…
"How hard could it be to be the administrative state, Michael? 10 dollars?"
The court that caught Roe and didn't learn now has its jaws clamped on a freight train.
nd it's pissing them offthat the majority of the country does not respect them anymore and does not treat them like wise elders. Especially Alito
Been thinking a lot about this observation specifically
Sam Alito really wanted January 6th to work lol.
[buying huge crate of sidewalk chalk] So, what’s everyone doing to celebrate for this patriotic Independence Day week …?
I really don’t think the Chosen Six *care* about perceptions They were nurtured, groomed, & ultimately selected because of the rulings this past week & today These rulings are the culmination of a decades-long, deliberate strategy To keep the rich, rich & to ensure the right people are in charge
i don't think alito, gorsuch or thomas care about perception, i think the rest do, but they'll abandon that if they have to in order to protect republican power. the argument is that they're not in a very good position to do that over the medium to long term.
I think they lose a little bit of touch with reality when they don't have to pick out their own clothes anymore... once ya get settled into the gowning 24/7 lifestyle you look down on those that waste their inferior mental bandwidth on menial decisions such as what color pants to wear.
I really wish I agreed with this, but it looks to me like 6 extremist assholes freed to do whatever they want, knowing there's finally nothing really to stop them so they no longer need to even try to stick to legal principles/authority. I can only pray they (and I) are wrong.
if that were the case, they'd be in agreement a lot more, they've left an absolutely clusterfuck of sloppy and inconsistent reasoning all along the trail here that will be a nightmare headache for *them* if trump loses
All the more evidence to me that they aren't concerned that he will lose and not concerned that their sloppy reasoning will effectively be challenged. And just because they're evil assholes, doesn't mean theyre well organized assholes. I'm sure each one of them thinks they're smarter than the others