
there are fucking journalists who follow me here (for now) and, like, what are you fucking people doing, man, the sulzberger family hasn’t had their finger on the pulse of the american public since before the civil war, why are you letting them make you look like goodie proctor’s fan club
fucking grown ass men and women with better educations and better salaries than me letting AG sulzberger point at phantoms and make them scream and cry like schoolgirls, that guy’s a fourth generation failson, he doesn’t even know how to count change
I SAW JOE BIDEN BEING OLD, what a fucking brilliant revelation, did that take you 3 or 5 minutes to come up with? “i would walk through hell to vote for the corpse of joe biden before ever voting for trump” is the base dem voter, maybe at least talk to a couple of them before you fucking kneel
the serwer piece man
everybody has a bad day, but, boy, he had a very, very bad day
You salvaged a win at the buzzer with a solid Goody Proctor callback.
Looked it up and geez, ain’t no way in hell I’m reading past that headline.
even worse when you read the original published version where he failed to mention the United States House of Representatives
I hope he only did that because his editor put a literal gun to his head because otherwise, wtf
Pundits have just lost it this week. Holding out hope that they come back to earth sometime this month
At a time when we have Fascists being coddled by our collective media for the sake of "profit!", I could understand if the appeal was from a charismatic populist who "othered" everyone standing against christo-fascist principals but a fat, stupid, racist pedophile is the choice, really?
Supremacy necessitates that the most crude and venal among them be considered superior to even the best among their so-called "others."
I think it's telling that the alt candidate poll that came out basically showed the same breakdown of percentages as Biden where 67-68% of the people that would vote for the alt candidate would only do so because it would be a vote against Trump not a preference for the candidate