
This is damning with faint praise but With his current brain, Biden would still be able to figure out on his own that bombing Iran is a Bad thing to consider, whereas Trump, with his Brain, often had trouble getting to the end of that very easy SAT question.
One of the funny things with pundits being alarmed about Biden being old and not making decisions is that it implicitly suggests that when Trump was president he was looking over dossiers and intelligence briefings and not just watching old episodes of Baywatch
Can I - I hate that face so much
This is the point I’ve been making. It’s not Biden vs an ideal candidate. It’s Biden vs a morbidly obese 78 year old psychopath with his own senior moments.
If Israel attacked Iran & Lebanon, do you really think that Biden would tell them no?
I think they are worried that Biden will accidently confuse the nuclear weapons launch button with his Depends disposal button. What I'm saying is they're idiots. 😀
Biden's brain is functional enough that he knows how to hire and delegate to competent people in his administration so he doesn't have to do all the stuff. Trump just wants to hire scumbags and sycophants who will knife each other to compete for the opportunity to stick their tongue up his arse.
I know confirmation bias is not our friend, but that story about The Gorilla Channel was very funny.