A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
I think it might be time to revisit this 2016 classic from to remind ourselves why this freakout is happening: The entire US political system is premised, at the atomic & subatomic level, upon 2 equally choiceworthy sides. It can't allow a clear choice, & so will *make* it even
I forget who posted it (maybe it was you, even, lol, and I paraphrase) but I can't get past the "Biden has one bad debate and no other missteps since, Trump the felon says something batshit crazy every day and the media is still on the bad debate guy"
Why the media will lift Trump up and tear Clinton Vox is a general interest news site for the 21st century. Its mission: to help everyone understand our complicated world, so that we can all help shape it. In text, video and audio, our reporters expl...
NYT says their performance on Threads today was an aberration, & not indicative of deeper problems they've had with social media. Unfortunately, that hasn't satisfied many observers whose concerns are growing louder. The stakes are too high. For the good of the news, the Times should step aside
This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
So Putin’s last hope now is the USA. Brace yourself, America, you’re about to get everything thrown at you.
Shock follows shock! Exit poll puts Le Pen’s right wing National Rally in THIRD …behind the left wing NFP and Macron’s Ensemble.
“They want to eliminate national parks” is a very simple way to get just about anyone on the Stop Project 2025 train. Are there much more glaring and life-threatening goals of P25? Yes but even your most bigoted cousin does not want to see the parks system sold for parts.
This!! Start with “they want to end no fault divorce, sell national parks, and ban porn” end with tax structure.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
The Party of Intentionally Starving Children
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
This semester I’m going to tell my students I don’t care if they use ChatGPT to write their papers, much as I don’t care if they use LSD and a ouija board write their papers. I’ll give fancy-sounding bullshit a failing grade no matter how it’s produced.
Well this is grim
After the East Palestine rail disaster, some new regulations were proposed to try to protect the public. They weren't strong but got killed anyway by the lobbyists with the helps of the likes of Sen JD Vance. This is the America we can expect from Vance, et al.
Several train cars carrying hazardous material are on fire after derailing in North Dakota | North Dakota public safety officials said several train cars carrying hazardous material are still on fire after about 25 to 30 derailed early Friday morning near Bordulac.
Hey look, WSJ lying to its readers again. "More than 1,200 coal-fired units have shut down in the U.S. and Europe since 2000, according to Global Energy Monitor. This has made electricity systems more vulnerable to extreme weather, as coal is a stable source of energy, albeit highly polluting"
A hill I will die on: all white-collar crimes are violent crimes. It's just that the violence is removed from the perpetrator because the perpetrator is wealthy.
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
We did it folks!
Rare event! Competing heat domes in the Southeast and Southwest US crank out two huge all-time record highs. Palm Springs 124 and Raleigh=Durham 106 with a heat index of 118! Las Vegas is forecast to break their all-time high this weekend and even Death Valley may come close.
Tomorrow in NYT Opinion, probably: It used to be frowned upon to stand on the left side of an escalator, until now Should cities still have sewer systems? Why you should hate Mr. Rogers too It’s time to put a highway through Central Park You can’t get a $1 slice anymore because of woke
Well this is grim
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
“Overall storage installations — meaning utility-scale, home, and commercial projects — grew 84 percent in Q1 2024” Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act helped kickstart an energy storage revolution in the US
Chart: The US battery market is on track for its best year Overall storage installations — meaning utility-scale, home, and commercial projects — grew 84 percent in Q1. Grid battery installations grew even faster.
“In the early months of this year, renewables covered around 75% of electricity demand in eastern Germany and Hamburg. The Witznitz Energy Park has already contributed to this, showing that the expansion of solar power is now moving to a whole new level." 🔌💡
Europe’s largest solar power plant connects to transmission Europe's largest solar power plant, the Witznitz Energy Park, has been inaugurated and connected to the 50Hertz transmission grid in Germany.
Tell a columnist (to shut the fuck up)
Despite the debate performance, Biden continues to gain ground in swing states as we get closer to the election, which is exactly what you’d expect to happen
Good news: In 8 years, electricity generation from non-fossil-fuel sources (including nuclear) rose by 44% Bad news: In the same period, global electricity output increased 23% and generation by fossil fuels reached an all-time peak.
TRUMP: I am going to drop daisy-cutter bombs on Seattle just cuz BIDEN: I'll have the Bob Salad — ha, COBB Salad, whoops. NYT: Biden's Gaffe Sends Shockwaves Through Democratic Party; Trump Pledges Infrastructure Changes to Northwest
what are we doing here? he accidentally said million instead of billion and then immediately knew it and corrected himself. he didn’t “flub a line” and then “make an effort to correct himself,” he did the speaking equivalent of a typo that you know you’ve made and instantly correct
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Turns out anti greenwashing regulations work!
Exxon’s Imperial Deletes CEO Claim That #CCS Is ‘Critical’ to Paris Climate Goals - The company has removed dozens of documents referencing the technology from its website following passage of a new anti-#greenwashing law. #BigOil
Exxon’s Imperial Deletes CEO Claim That CCS Is ‘Critical’ to Paris Climate The company has removed dozens of documents referencing the technology from its website following passage of a new anti-greenwashing law.