
If it's not free, it won't be effective at creating herd immunity.
I wish people would forget the words "herd immunity"
Kurt, please note the nature of this particular virus= we're unlikely to get herd immunity from vax alone (tho it's lifesaving +can lessen individual harm so it SHOULD be free) we need to upgrade ventilation@ buildings +encourage everyone to mask, bc that- in combo w/vax- is best way diminish c19
we need to slow it down in the population; but since it's commonly able to pass from ppl who don't have symptoms to know they're even sick, we need air cleaning/protective measures in place moreso than just "stay home if sick" advice. bonus, helps control other infections +harm of pollution etc too!
+again it's not an either/or, but a "do both" that's needed🙂
We are not going to be doing anything like that. Capitalism won’t allow it. Some of us will have to die to keep the profits flowing to the oligarchs and that is a sacrifice they are prepared to make.
if "we" only means the powerful few, sure they won't do it willingly. but the "we" that includes anyone claiming to gaf for other humans (or even just own survival)? at least can help by wearing a mask! even if it's only a $1 bandana, make effort +show solidarity🙏 +there's groups to help w/free n95s
Want to mask up but lack resources? Look up your local mask bloc or covid action group here. They provide free masks and tests, often including sampler packs to help you find the ideal n95-type mask for your specific needs! Size, shape, hair texture, sensory needs, etc matter.
COVID Action Map - Google My Mapping COVID action groups worldwide. Groups are not pinned to exact addresses. On Instagram and Twitter as @covidactionmap.
It will be free for anyone with insurance of any kind and for kids — but not uninsured adults
In other words, it's not free.