
Maybe I'm huffing copium as the kids say but it does feel like there's a silver lining here that they're doing this not just because of assholes in the donor class, but because they're sensing the panic and determination among their constituents.
i think they are running into more resistance from the base than they expected
I do detect a definite undertone of "Why can't you ungrateful peasants just be happy we aren't actively trying to get Trump re-elected?!" here.
Of course, the people who say they believe in class warfare are locking ranks with heiresses, crypto tycoons, and Waltons in trying to force out the guy who went up on stage today and said with his whole chest his authority comes from the people and not the donor class.
There's only so many times you can cower behind "It's all kayfabe, both parties are the tools of Capital!" and "(X social program that's saved mid-six-digit numbers of lives from misery minimum) is just scraps from the table!" until I think you want to whine and not Build Socialism.