
Look, I know naming and shaming is bad form on social media, but it's not in my culture, so: this guy (not Neid, he's cool) is the stupidest motherfucker I've yet encountered on this site and it's not even close. Either this is a bit, they're on coke, or they have brain damage.
Like, everything about them radiates the kind of bright-eyed flying-at-100-miles-a-minute delusions of grandeur that the Diamond players at the casino radiate when they're $5k up at the tables and just stuck a gram up their nose. Right before they lose it all in one hand and become a suicide risk.
Yeah, the Twitterati are going to coup Biden and make Harris the nom and everyone will love her because she roasted Joe fucking Rogan, sure man.
he'll get to the bit with the telepathic squid soon enough
"We've been planning this for a week on Twitter" [chef's kiss]
posting like doctor doom alert (i am too old to know what posting like sepiroth is)
I just scrolled his timeline here and jesus christ how embarrassing
I described it as "guy who is embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars a week before he gets FBI agents as his door energy" but I think I like your description better
This is one of those happy little "hey, I already hate that guy" moments for me. Now I can block him on two sites!
"The people scrolling know what's going on" This is like some cocaine posting or something. I'm just going to imagine a wandering cult of Those Who Scroll wandering the land talking of the imminent justice that awaits us all unless we repent
That Lex Luthor reply is freakin' amazing