Evan Williams

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Evan Williams


Your local prose poem emporium | Contributing Writer at Cleveland Review of Books | co-founding obliterator at Obliterat | An Extremely Well-Funded Study of Doors (above/ground press, 2023)

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I wrote a poem this morning. It's about the only thing there is to write about right now and also the limits of writing about the only thing there is to write about. I hope you read it & then do more than writing.
Really enjoyed chatting with @divinetailor.bsky.social about queerness, rings, the woods, and his book “Men & Sleep” for the Chicago Review of Books. You can read the full conversation here: chireviewofbooks.com/2023/11/16/c...
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Reposted byAvatar Evan Williams
a tiny poem from my manuscript of mini fables
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i created a video game about my heart for @anmlymag.bsky.social’s video game folio. you can play it at anmly.org/ap37/felix-l... thank you @summ.bsky.social for the beautiful introduction & the opportunity to design a video game for one of my favorite lit mags!
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More grateful than I can say for this. Will probably try (and fail) later, but for now, thank you @sarabandebooks.bsky.social, for believing in this book. Thank you. 🫀
Announcing the acquisition of a brand new poetry collection by Alina Stefanescu!
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tomorrow. please join as we gather, read, and fundraise 🍉 docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
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Today’s obsession: An Extremely Well-Funded Study of Doors by Evan Williams from Above/Ground Press @evansquilliams.bsky.social
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Vol. II of Dad Bod Writes is now live! In which I offer a story in the form of a list of rules, opine on Snopes and the early-ish internet, and talk about some of the cool shit that @evansquilliams.bsky.social & @neonpajamas.bsky.social have been doing! Give it a look!
Eleven Rules for Visiting a Ghost Towntinyurl.com (Originally published in issue 11 of Sequestrum, Spring 2017)
I’m mailing out AN EXTREMELY WELL-FUNDED STUDY IF DOORS today! If you’d like a signed copy (with a little door drawing), shoot me an email at ejeromewilliams [at] gmail [dot] com :—)
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why yes, i _am_ actively seeking poetry (book &/or chapbook) reviews for periodicities: a journal of poetry and poetics; how good of you to ask! periodicityjournal.blogspot.com
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I'm going to try to get it all on a YouTube channel, but for the time being, you can watch the stream for @evansquilliams.bsky.social "An Extremely Well-Funded Study of Doors" / @hexliterary.bsky.social reading here! Please excuse some audio issues (punk, not perfect)
Mediocre TV - Hex Literary Spoken Showcase - mediocretelevision on Twitchwww.twitch.tv mediocretelevision went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Just Chatting VOD now.
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i have three (!!!) translations in the newest issue of the tiny, one of my dream mags, and i’m still pinching myself over it 🤸🏻‍♀️
Cecily Chen — the tinywww.thetinymag.com
🚪KNOCK KNOCK🚪 The folks @clereviewbooks.bsky.social have kindly published an excerpt from my new chapbook! My love and thanks to cool guy @zerkperkem.bsky.social for his help getting this out :—) You can read here: www.clereviewofbooks.com/writing/evan...
🚪NEWS🚪 AN EXTREMELY WELL-FUNDED STUDY OF DOORS (Coming soon to knock on you)
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Fugue & Strike |🔥🗑️--my next book of poems, obsessed with trash, labor, violence, and wastage--is here, available, for getting. It was written deep in the labor archive, in a grad student fight with administration, then the chaos of the pandemic. www.blackocean.org/catalog1/fug...
A little happy news to announce: I’ll be releasing a long short story, AN EXTREMELY WELL-FUNDED STUDY OF DOORS, as a chapbook with @robmclennan.bsky.social’s inimitable above/ground press. 🚪More details to come soon🚪 :—)
Four excerpts from a novella of mine are out today in the Indiana Review :—)
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twas a smoky weekend but this beautte landed in the mailbox so thats rad. @neonpajamas.bsky.social & @xraylitmag.bsky.social
If you’re in Chicago, come hang out with us!
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Reposted byAvatar Evan Williams
My head is still spinning over this one! "The Exorsister," my story about a plague of demonic possessions and messy queer sisterhood, is the feature for the August issue of “One Story!” You know you want to buy a copy of this greenpea-soup-colored beauty!
Good morning from Leslie Scalapino’s “that they were at the beach”
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as a means of (re)introduction, here's a recent prose poem of mine, in Sixth Finch
A poem at bedtime from Aase Berg, as translated by Johannes Göransson (@johannesg.bsky.social) From “Hackers” (Black Ocean)
Chicago folks! Come on out tomorrow, will be reading translations from a nonsense language alongside the poets who’ve taught me most. Plus! Great music to boot!
Lovely to be included in this year’s best microfiction. Love, always, to Heavy Feather Review, and a huge thank you to Deb Olin Unferth for selecting my work.