Jay Besemer

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Jay Besemer


poet-artist-fool. aging, trans, queer, sick/disabled, autistic. he/they. jet is the cat in this movie. i knew it was a trap as soon as i walked into it.
marigolds have protective benefits for plants they share soil with, but they are also edible. i’m growing a variety that produces small flowers & add them to different things. they taste a bit like dill.🌼
between the heat of the sun on the black plastic compost tumbler, & the heat of the processes happening inside it, there are some serious “alchemical furnace” vibes out in the garden today⚗️
really liberating to delete the info for those whose contacts i need no longer retain
i long for honest political critique that doesn’t double down on anti-elder, anti-disability notions, but given that those notions are baked right in to political systems & analytical frameworks across the board, i am probably hoping for too much.🕳️
i can just put seeds in dirt & food grows. that will never cease to be just fking amazing.
that’s my pal!! (hey, psst—you can subscribe to this year’s meekling catalog! i did!)
chances are rather good that today i will either get or schedule my first tattoo. i am in my mid-fifties. i had to wait, for reasons™️. related to reasons: this is the celebration i dimly hinted at for finally finishing sorting through my mother's stuff.
for every firework or bit of jingoism or fascist manifestation today, my guess is there are countless more people hiding, or fleeing noise & horribleness, or working hospital jobs or food service, or trying to just get through the day unharmed.
laundry & this mortal coil today.
possibly random query: any mutuals out there know how to play backgammon? if so, would you be interested in teaching me to play, over zoom or in person if you are in chicago?
“it’s a problem of physics—the ‘small bowl conundrum’, or SBC.” me, rethinking my dinner-serving plan
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Reposted byAvatar Jay Besemer
An auto body shop in Colorado Springs, CO has these awesome life-sized #Transformers made from discarded auto parts in their parking lot. Clearly a lot of skill went into these. Closeups in second post. 1/2 #sculpture #colorado
getting excitable in the dms today on multiple platforms🤦‍♂️ “message is too long” ha
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The small press that published my last book of poems very kindly arranged to have 51 copies shipped back to me when SPD folded. I'd like to give away 25 of them in exchange for donations to independent presses that focus on Black & Indigenous writers & writers of color. Make suggestions please!
it’s so easy to underestimate our effects in the lives of those around us. i always do. then there are clusters of reminders that pop up, showing me that i am neither forgettable nor harmful, & what i give others sometimes takes years to be knowable—if that’s the word. i’m humbled, comforted.
“connected to JAY BEEZYmere,” says the automated voice in my headphones, making me giggle every time. it’s one of the silliest mispronunciations of my last name i’ve ever heard.🎧🤡
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It's Book Quote Wednesday! This week's word is SAVE. In this snippet from The Disinformation War, Kayla writes about the effects of blaming individuals for poverty when it's a political choice. If you're in the UK, vote against the right-wingers who believe in what Kayla rails against. #bookqw 💙📚
holy wow—i just got an email through my website from a former student who’d been a franciscan friar when in my class—he contacted me because he now works at the warehouse for a local fancy/imported toiletries store & was packing up an order & saw my name. funny thing is, i was just thinking abt him!
thought of you first @unamccormack.bsky.social but others out there please chime in
academics: are there books on how to write tv scholarship? i feel mostly good about how i've managed it but man this shit is hard and it would be helpful to have some guidance at times, and i think for new scholars too...
my library borrowing right now is all antarctic explorers, zen texts & french modernist poetry yes it’s all me
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I am thoroughly disgusted and furious by the continued abuse of trans people by certain politicians and news media. If you’re in England, a reminder about this consultation. It runs to 11 July 2024. I suggest switching off social media and responding to the consultation to help LGBTQIA people.
you don’t have to worry about whether your genuine responses & feelings are like other people’s, in times like these. all you need to be concerned about is noticing & being aware of what you feel & whether that is something you want to put into the world or not—& how.
surprise! spotted at kinokuniya in chicago suburbs: WE WANT IT ALL: AN ANTHOLOGY OF RADICAL TRANS POETICS eds andrea abi-karam & kay gabriel. (i’m actually not in this one; i deliberately wanted to open space for younger/newer trans poets so i didn’t send any work. it’s a great anth!!)
today, with several sangha members, i began a course of study of the precepts in soto zen buddhism with the intention of receiving them once i have finished sewing my rakusu. it is a way of confirming my commitment to dharma practice in the world.
my gender is all possible genders in all possible cultures & all possible bodies on all possible worlds in all possible universes simultaneously