Nic Anstett

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Nic Anstett

she/her 🏳️‍⚧️ writer of queer things. Lover of dinosaurs

Stories in One Story, Witness Magazine, Michigan Quarterly Review, Passages North,
Lightspeed, and other cool places. Represented by Erin Harris @ Folio Literary
lol who the fuck told me to be a writer
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the general vibe at the moment
I have to submit my queer horror syllabus soon which means I need to finally choose whether I’m teaching “Manhunt” or “Tell Me I’m Worthless” instead of changing my mind every other day.
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Reposted byAvatar Nic Anstett
I kinda feel like now that the Supreme Court has declared it legal for a president to straight-up murder people they don't like, it's probably even more important to not elect people who seem extremely inclined to murder people they don't like
"Jellnik eye you from crotch to mouth. He pull out a pack. He smoke. You pull one from the pack and light yours with his." Today's queer story is "The Ones Who Don't Say They Love You" by!
It's such an honor to see my story “Instructions on Meeting the Man Pretending to Be Your Husband” on this year’s Wigleaf Top 50 list. I'm very grateful that to see this creepy, gay little story getting some love!
New on our mainpage: the Wigleaf Top 50 Very Short Fictions 2024, selected by Maurice Carlos Ruffin:
I love that some speculative fiction collections make space in the back of the book for the author to explain the origins of each story. It’s such a fun touch and was really helpful to me as an early writer. I wish it was more commonplace to do this in litfic as well.
"The tower is like a tree among the never-ending trees, he says. You can see all sides, like an owl can turn its head in a full circle." Today's queer story is "In a Village That No One Has Ever Heard Of" by Chi Siegel!
Chi Chi S.  In a Village That No One Has Ever Heard Of Second Runner-Up in the 2024 American Literary Review fiction contest, Judged by SJ Sindu I’ve never been sick on a Sunday before. Time to ge…
“Right before her twenty-fifth birthday, Chacha shaved her head, shearing the long black hair I’d known my entire life down to tiny-ass stumps.” Today’s queer story is “Papel Picado” by A.J. Rodriguez!
Papel A.J. RODRIGUEZ <br> Right before her twenty-fifth birthday, Chacha shaved her head, shearing the long black hair I’d known my entire life down to tiny-ass stumps. Having not spoken to my half sister i...
If I ever had the resources to do so, I’d love to edit an anthology of literary dinosaur fiction. We don’t have enough lyric short stories about triceratops and somebody needs to do something about that.
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Reposted byAvatar Nic Anstett
Fully prepared to shun this outfit if they show their faces here. SEEN publishing is anti-queer and probably especially anti-trans and they're probably organizing to smother books that aren't cuddled up to the kyriarchy. And anonymous, of course. it said this was my one free article for the month
Publishing network launches for those 'concerned about the impact of gender ideology' A publishing network for those “concerned about the impact of gender ideology on our sector and wider society” launched today for publishing professionals, authors and creatives.
“I was eating sour widows at the wedding reception when I saw you across the room. You were looking at the happy couple as they fed each other white cake, and then you were looking at me.” Today’s queer story is “Sour Widows” by!
Sour Widows  by Henry I was eating sour widows at the wedding reception when I saw you across the room. You were looking at the happy couple as they fed each other white cake, and then you were looking at me. Your eyes sai...
“On The Website©, you are given matches by the state.” Yesterday’s queer story is “real bodies” by !
Real Bodies — Winter
"My left pinky was first. During the icebreaker at my college dorm’s first floor meeting, when I was asked to give three interesting facts about myself, I lifted my pinky-less hand." Today's queer story is "Moving Parts" by !
Moving Parts – Plenitude
Another day, another org claiming to be welcoming to trans people but also insisting that they don’t take sides in debate while providing a platform for anti-trans misinformation. You can’t both sides this.
This week’s Normal Gossip episode is about MFA workshop drama and I’m so fucking curious about what unhinged program they’re talking about
“He wanted to open his heart to the man. He wanted to give him money or food or a decent shirt. Mostly, he wanted Davis to see him in this way, to remember the kind of man his father strove to be.” Today’s queer story is “Audition” by Denne Michele Norris!
Audition It was crazy for the Reverend Doctor Preston McKinsey to think there was something sinister in the wind that day, but he felt it in the way it stung his cheeks—like a miniature slap to the face—and he...
The imagery in The First Omen goes way, way harder than it needs to and I love it
"Montse saw that the Señora sometimes grew short of breath though she’d hardly stirred: a consequence of snatching images out of the air – the air took something back." Today's queer story is "Books and Roses" by Helen Oyeyemi!
Books and Roses | Helen Oyeyemi | Granta ‘A golden chain was fastened around her neck, and on that chain was a key.’ New fiction by Helen Oyeyemi in Granta 129.
Don't you love when you mention the publication process of your book to someone you thought was one of your best friends and they respond, "Wait, you wrote a book?"