Javal Coleman

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Javal Coleman

Husband, Father, Phd Student Classics at the University of Texas in Austin (he/him)
Feeling beyond lucky to see mention of my 2021 SCS blog in Deborah Kamen’s new monograph on Greek slavery!!
Making my SCS return in 2025 and excited that Dan-el Padilla Peralta and I will be presenting our paper “Cruelty Against Property: The Rescript(s) on Enslaver Violence,” in Philly!! See y’all there!
I asked my daughter to throw away some trash and she said “I’m my own person.” 😂😂 she’s two by the way.
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Historians: this is THE professional battle of our times. *All* of the other things we're passionate about depend on secure employment and the necessary resources to do our work. Otherwise, all is lost. Please take a moment to read and sign.
Currently sifting through some articles and listening to studio ghibli music..
Big congrats to a real one for this.
Sat on this news long enough. Proposal & full manuscript submitted in May passed peer review & the editorial board. Finally got the contract.  I’ll publish my 1st book, “Julian Augustus: Platonism, Myth, & the Refounding of Rome,” in the Studies in Late Antiquity series of Oxford University Press.
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Sat on this news long enough. Proposal & full manuscript submitted in May passed peer review & the editorial board. Finally got the contract.  I’ll publish my 1st book, “Julian Augustus: Platonism, Myth, & the Refounding of Rome,” in the Studies in Late Antiquity series of Oxford University Press.
Well that’s it. Besides finishing a paper, coursework is over.
When advertising that your university is accepting grad school applications put the stipend information on there lol. That should not be a mystery for the perspective grad student. And if there isn’t stipend money it should say so as well. This might seem nit picky but I find the occlusion of this..
Omg it’s a first view of my very first publication. Book review of Luciani’s Slaves of the People with Cambridge’s The Classical Review!!
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happy birthday to me, I’ve been sent the gift of proofs for a forthcoming article
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Publication day - Flohr, M. (2023). ‘Manufacturing in the Roman World’, in K. Ruffing and S. Von Reden (eds), Handbuch Antiken Wirtschaft. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter, 719–742.
Book review off my desk, and I’ve made good progress on studying for AH exam. Time to actually enjoy a weekend….
End of feed.