
Voting matters. P.S. If that statement makes you angry, feel free to express that anger at me so I know to block you. kthxbye
The key to defeating Trump and fascism is turnout. More specifically, it's overcoming voter suppression in battleground states. There are way more of us than there are of them, and that's why they are obsessed with making voting as difficult as possible.
sure why not you seem like that kind of fuckin rube and now i'll never have to randomly suffer you again have at it, obtuse
last century's fascists were primed to kill commies and fail to liberal democracy this century turnip showed em they didnt have to and the democrats let him fuck your little bullshit party you did this
“Cultivator of only the best ideas”
yea i was assuming you were gonna follow through with the block
then again liberal lol that one's totally on me
I'm unpredictable. It's part of my well-known charm.
you know what i'm sorry for the hostility you are an absolute stranger and i assumed a lot about you off the bat also, marketing research shows a bad impression sticks longer than a good one and i like bein a lil shit i don't even disagree, voting IS bare minimum
all this is to supplement the reasons why people would get mad when others say voting matters bush and gore proved political theatre is just that it's a poll that influences the american spirit but its just a blueblood poll i'm voting socialist or abstaining completely if they get sued off
the point is, it's never been anything but class warfare for the last 2024 years and a lot of people are no longer interested in supporting a duopoly of frauds