
Avatar found this comment on Twitter; wondering what you think of it? to me it points to a steady erosion of something, but I'm not sure of what. here it's due to increasing immersion in a universe filled with "different facts", living life in a separate culture of beliefs & values.
I think there’s a core hard Right vote. The British Election Study says it’s 30%. I don’t think it will grow beyond that.
Sorry - fat-thumbed. It’s 20%!!!!
I think we see this a bit, by pushing the Tories right Labour have pinned them down to fighting Reform for that 20%. Even if Farage takes over the conservative party (and we know that's his plan) they will still only appeal to that proportion of the population.
If Starmer can do what he intends and actually get results instead of making promises and doing nothing to deliver on them, that might create a real problem for them.
Getting results is the big thing. People are tired of years of empty promises with no delivery. After that even the tiniest success will seem huge. And I say that thinking there will be very big wins - on green transition for one. We’ll be looking at a different country in five years.
Speaking of results, for semil-profesional reasons I've been watching the saga of Thames Water. Is there any chance the new government is going to be forced to effectively or actually nationalize the company to restore acceptable service? BTW, Germany - Spain is a really great game. 😊
I’m watching it with one eye in the pub! They’re going to have to do something drastic with Thames Water. I think Starmer has said they won’t nationalise it (could be wrong) but neither are they going to let London collapse into Mad Max territory.
I just saw this resumé of events from Ian Dunt. He sounds very optimistic. what Democrats have learned here—from the rare times when they controlled both houses of Congress AND the White House—there's a small window of time–right up front—to get almost everything done. you have to go for it. fast.
Definitely. I’m hoping for a first 100 days of groundbreaking activity.
Given the writing has been on the wall about this election for some time it would be political malpractice if they didn't have bills already written up and just waiting to be dated and introduced.
what relevance does “free school meals” have to do with being a good education secretary.
Lots of evidence linking between proper nutrition and ability to concentrate and understand things. Hungry kids find it harder to learn.
Hell anybody who ever had to work through lunch and finds themselves "hangry" at 2:30 and reaching for candy bar knows making sure every kid gets a good lunch is a good idea.
Bullshit! my free school meals don’t qualify me to be education secretary
everyone who had free school meals in the UK is a nutritionist. I’ll put that on any future resume, thanks for the imput
seems fairly elementary to me if you'll pardon the pun. we engage in shorthand. one assumes that certain early childhood experiences correlate to a certain Weltanschauung. in this case a shared Weltanschauung. but then you already knew that. This shouldn't need spelling out. again, pardon the pun.
Yep. I live in Minnesota and when we got the trifecta, the Dems really went for it and got *a lot* accomplished. The GOP complained that they were "rushing into things". Heh.
they only think it's wrong when it's being done TO them, not BY them. same as it ever was.
Right? And also, waiting/being prepared years and years is definitely not "rushing it".