Ben from Crudely Drawn Swords

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Ben from Crudely Drawn Swords

GM and producer and music composer for Crudely Drawn Swords, lead guitarist for The Patient Wild, Game Designer for The Hallowed Walk and Trilogy, Programmer, Horse Trainer, dork-ass-loser and now apparently novelist?
I have absolutely blocked people by putting my phone in my pocket when it hadn't locked properly, it might not be about you at all. That experience was far less awkward than the time I sent a Facebook friends request by putting my phone in my pocket when it hadn't locked properly.
this is just my personal opinion and you may disagree with me. but i would also be cautious about ascribing too much meaning behind being blocked by someone with a lot of followers who gets a lot of replies all the time. or being blocked by anyone at all!
What I look like scrolling social media
What I look like scrolling social media
A rainy sunny day has me listening to Maria McKee's "La Vita Nuova" again - a grand, theatrical, journey of an album, full of literary references, mystical vision, and queer love. It's not for everyone, but people who like it (and I'm among them) love it:
La Vita Nuova, by Maria 14 track album
This is one of my favorite movies ever, cannot recommend it highly enough. CN for suicide though; it can be a rough watch if you're not in a good place.
my biggest creative passion in life is ‘the project I’m not supposed to be working on right now’
From time to time another Michael Whelan post shows up that makes me go "WTF he painted THAT as well???"
BACK INTO HELL (1993) Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 30" x 20" Like everyone else in the world, I was aware of the epic piece Rich Corben had done for the first BAT OUT OF HELL cover—so my first feeling was a sinking one. 1/5
"There are no wasted words, and the details of this world flow naturally out of the reactions of the characters to their situation." Stumbled across a nice review of Ashes of the Ancestors, & I don't get enough of those not to puff up a little with pride.
Ashes of the Ancestors by Andrew I was all set to take a summer vacation from blogging when I came across this gem by Andrew Knighton. Ashes of the Ancestors is a slim novella that
Excited to apply for these jobs that don't advertise a salary but promise the pay will be sick.
Hit the half-way point in my third draft of this novel. I think it's shaping up pretty nicely now!
Back in 2016, I dealt with my stress over politics by writing my frothy feminist romantasy novella Snowspelled. From now until the end of tomorrow, in hopes that that kind of escape might help you, too, you can download Snowspelled for free at this link:
Sidequested is a really fun comic. Recommended.
Heeeey! Side Quested is up, and may the Goddess have mercy on Prince Leopold's soul. #webcomics
Oh no. - Side Quested
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
For a number of years now, The Spectator has also been publishing pieces by journalists usually regarded as being left wing, feminist, or centrist in Britain. Guess what those individuals happen to have in common with the likes of the Spectator? You guessed it, their stand on trans rights
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: This Divine Right of Kings gives you the right to take over countries with no king, right?
Explain your book/WIP in one short sentence badly: Arrogant jackass witch-man ruins the mood at terrible family dinner.
A quick 🧵: It is important to remember, or to recognize & then remember, that the US has always had a significant, ongoing level of political violence from founding through tonight. Most don't know or realize that because of how America's daily violence gets reported. 1/
When we're finding it tricky to develop our hindquarters-in to the right (and we are!) I need to remind myself he's conformationally an undersized carthorse that I was given for free. Most people would say I need a horse two hands taller. It's a miracle that we're able to manage half of what we do.
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! It's like I'm always saying: Brad Mussels is the long-haired character I've drawn most recently.
If you see this post, QRP with a character that has long hair! This is about Cal (the redhead) but it is also always about Bruno, who is my friends OC who needs hugs.
Reminded how much I enjoy The Birdwatcher's Guide To Atrocity from Seeming - a recent synthpop album that still feels like it fits the moment:
The Birdwatcher's Guide to Atrocity, by 10 track album
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.
If you have a new (or longer-term) Labour MP representing you, this would be a good time to contact them and ask what the hell they think they are doing by continuing the Tories' mendacious campaign of hate against a tiny minority of teenagers.
Wes Streeting is a disgrace to queer solidarity and to evidence-based policymaking. That he is Health Secretary will lead to more suicides among trans youth in the UK.
let’s all remember who the truest enemy is: the passage of time. it used to be 1996. even 1998! but nooooooooo we just decided to the let the ball keep rolling and now it’s 2024 and no one is happy at all. time: not even once.
As someone who stutters, let me share what it's like. Imagine remembering that you once mispronounced a word, and now every time you try to say that word, you have a mini panic attack. Now imagine that with literally every word. Now imagine you just had a difficult speech that made national news.
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
Yeah! I'm gonna go absolutely mild! I'm gonna go some out! Ready to give 47%! I'm the Okayest of All Time, the OoaT! Live medium-speed, die old! Go home or go home!
This is the future liberals want