
And while you'r here, FYI, please do not donate one thin dime, not one copper CENT to Shaun King. EVER. He is actively scamming you. He is not tragically/pitiably incompetent, he is not merely overly ambitious and tripping over his own feet. He is scamming. Reproducing an old Twitter thread below.
The incident that got Shaun King to block me: This was tweeted from Shaun King's account on July 4, 2020, strongly implying he was on the one that researched and created the image. It was actually researched and created by Arlen Parsa, who did not get credited for his labor.
He defended himself with the ol' blame-the-intern move. I got the hammer for telling him in a QT that was a bush league excuse. Here is Shaun King using Chadwick Boseman's tragic death to shill his book, and, in my opinion, intentionally obfuscating how the sale would financially benefit him.
Speaking as a publisher and strictly theorizing: When Shaun King says he doesn't "make a dime" off of selling his books, and he was already paid for them "a year ago?" If that statement is true, what it means is his book has yet to earn back his advance on royalties.
(Yes, it's entirely possible that he signed a mind-blowingly bad contract and really DID get a single payment, and his publisher now owns the rights, but I very much doubt it.) He's pushing his published work in this moment cuz he wants the book to ROLL OVER into profitability.
Because when that happens, he'll finally start getting royalty checks. Presenting his work as as something he's already been paid for is technically true, but very likely weaselly obfuscation of the highest degree. He's trying to get paid for it some more. This isn't selfless.
“It is not an autobiography. I tell my story though.” Someone get that man a dictionary.
I mean, "autobiography" does generally imply a degree of truth.
"I tell my story though, of course..." As if any book is incomplete without the authors life story
I remember getting this email. I was a Shaun King victim initially. How TF is buying his booking going to change the world? Like what complete and utter bullshit.
Wowzers. The dude saw some bag in Chadwick's death. Fucking gross.
Bruh, apparently he's now freeing Israeli hostages. Who don't know him at all. He's seeing his bag in a fucking genocide. 🧐😬😳
Oh god, those words in bold on the first page are an immediate red flag whoa
He’s easily the most famous leftist grifter but far from the only one. If people want to make sure their money goes to the right places, focus on local mutual aid groups or well trusted and vetted organizations.
Sometimes the feed hands you priceless serendipity. 😃
I'm sorry he blocked you because you've been missing some pure comedy gold.
What’s amazing is the first part of that article where his stopped clock was absolutely right.
They are all hilarious but Talcum X is undefeated.
Amused to see that is one of my employer's websites...
Alexander Scamilton is so amazing, I'm mad that it's attached to him, but by god has he earned it.
W.E.B. Defraud is so good it has *layers*