Cheryl Lynn Eaton

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Cheryl Lynn Eaton

I write.
As thrilled as I am to see Indya Moore getting more work, this is going to be a heartbreaking season.
Sandman Season 2. More casting. Are you excited? I'm excited.
I can't log into Twitter for some reason--most likely a benevolent act of God--so I will let y'all know right here that I have an interview coming up with Black Comic Lords tomorrow! We'll be talking about BLACK PANTHER: BLOOD HUNT and there will be spoilers.
BLACK COMIC We review, promote, and celebrate Black comic book characters, books and/or Black comic book creators. Above all else--READ THE COMICS! #BuyTheComicsReadTheComics
The scary thing about America is realizing just how many citizens would be okay with a king as long as said king was a cishet white man.
An important thing about not-voting is that no one can know who you didn’t vote for. Did you not vote for trump? Or did you not vote for Biden? Or did you not vote for RFK Jr.? “Not voting” not only does not send a message, it *cannot* send a message; it is a non-act that conveys no information.
From Franz Kafka's diaries.
My personal problems don't seem so bad now that the country's falling apart.
Alexa, play “They Not Like Us” by Pulitzer Prize winning artist Kendrick Lamar.
So who’s “us”?
If I were Jim Lee, my entire life would be dedicated to overcharging rich people for things. Every time I saw my art on a t-shirt I would add another dollar.
Folks are up in arms about these prices
My tooth no longer aches! I want to cancel my dentist appointment to save money, but what if my teeth are just trying to set me up?
My goal for getting through hard times is to wring every ounce of pleasure out of what is ridiculous. There are so, so many ridiculous things in life. Someone posted a photo of a pregnant squirrel. I laughed for five minutes. Look at her.
my personal preference would be to impeach certain malignant justices
It is long past time for way too many people to realize that we desperately need to either Expand the Supreme Court with actual progressives or actively remove those justices who have committed gross ethical offenses, & replace them people who, y'know, have morals & values beyond "power at any cost"
Not Wilbur Weston doing better than me! I gotta get it together.
Saying my farewell to T'Challa with BLACK PANTHER: BLOOD HUNT #3! This has been a wild ride--and I loved every minute of it. The final issue drops July 3. Script: Me Pencils/Inks: Farid Karami Colors: Andrew Dalhouse Letters: Joe Sabino SPOILERS AHEAD!
Here’s my prediction on post-election rhetoric: Young voters will be to blame because China used TikTok to radicalize them, black voters will be blamed for “staying on the couch,” which is actual DNC phrasing btw, and Palestinian voters in Michigan will be selfish, “single issue” betrayers.
can’t wait to see how they blame the left for all the shit they’re setting up to happen
You can tell who did and who did not moderate IRC/phpBB/whatever back in the day, because all of us who did learned the true shape of online group culture: your culture is the shittiest person you don't ban
yeah, it is entirely possible to have a Normal Functional Discord!
Today was a terrible day, but I'm still going to give tomorrow a shot because you never know!
I think a universe where people cured the Legacy Virus could probably knock out Covid within 24 hours.
The erasure of COVID by the entertainment industry has played a huge role in sanctioning government abandonment of public health. Creatives are complicit in the ongoing harm caused by COVID. What a difference it would make if they actively portrayed the pandemic in their work.
Senior Editor Confirms Why Marvel Ignored COVID in Its Official There's a reason COVID didn't hit Marvel.
Who is THEY?! I cannot stand this man! You can't just stick a "they say" or "they thought" in front of every crackpot idea or lie you can think of. They say I'm marrying Andre 3000 next month! They say I'm the next writer on BATMAN! I mean, should we all just start doing this?
I feel so bad for this person. They've cast aside their ability to enjoy art for the pleasure of rejecting things they deem unworthy. It's like passing up true love to spend the rest of one's life amassing followers by calling models ugly on Instagram.
absolutely devastating post
I love #makeaterriblecomicday2024 because I can participate even though I can't draw.
is remembering artist Mike Wieringo on his birthday.
The funniest thing about Cybertrucks is how many Elon probably had to give to black celebrities to make the truck seem cool and how that must irritate him beyond belief given he's a racist who clearly despises us.
It's me, the person who feels extremely guilty for getting snippy with my family even though I told everyone I had a toothache and wasn't feeling well.
I need you all to read the quoted sentence below out loud because comics are so damn delightful lmao The entire comics community arguing about everything else but unifying under the banner of Wilbur from Mary Worth being one of the shittiest comic characters in existence is 1000% my jam lol
Well, I just caught up on MARY WORTH and Wilbur is SO FAR from okay. And none of Wilbur's friends are suggesting therapy or seeing a doctor but are instead attending a funeral for a goldfish.
The silver lining in this storyline is learning that, yes, secretly, all of Wilbur's friends think he's a chore and hate him, and his emotional restoration is built upon lies.
I have a toothache that is destroying my whole life. I don't want any help--I just want to complain and be somewhat evil because I've been in constant pain for 36 hours now.
"Imagine not making any money and still creating art?" Buddy, do I have some fun information to share about 90% of creators!
“if money was abolished would you still make content?” is the most insane AI bullshit i have ever heard in my life i was making art and drawing way before i was making money for it how fucking corrupt are these pieces of shit? money is barely part of the equation. its only there cause i NEED IT