Daniel J. Willis

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Daniel J. Willis


Data Journalist, EdSource | Music Journalist, @riffmagazine.com | SeeDisclaimer.com | linktr.ee/bayareadata | [email protected] | 510-585-4944
Oh you just call anyone “Nazi” who disagrees with you about enacting mass deportation of ethic minorities demonized as “vermin poisoning the blood of the nation” as part of a nationalist myth of purifying violence promulgated to a far right cult by an authoritarian demagogue.
If they replace Biden and Harris with the former McKinsey consultant because he was goon on friggin' Maher, I'm never voting again.
Starship Troopers is the most overtly fascist parody I’ve ever seen. It writes “FASCISM IS BAD” on a brick and hits you in the head with it. Anyone who thinks it’s actually about duty and service is definitely a fascist themselves.
this "i bet you think robocop was political" take brings up a nagging concern i've had watching The Boys S4, which is that our reality is becoming so Verhoevenized the fascist dystopia satire gags don't land right anymore
If he was weak he’d be out. But more importantly, let’s say he was weak. What’s more important in such a high-stakes election, seizing political power in your caucus for yourself or using your political power to prop up your candidate and win in November? It’s very telling who’s choosing what.
A “treachery of the elites” framing is not going to get you as far as the reality that the Biden is so politically weak that he created a power vacuum that Pelosi is filling right now. A vigorous party leader would be running around crushing dissidents right about now.
Here's the thing. If a bunch of rich people manage to bully the party into kicking out the *elected candidate* and replace him with literally anyone and we go into the election with a person chosen by a bunch of rich people that nobody had a chance to vote for our democracy is already dead.
Yes! Though it also seems some of these big donors are upset at how progressive Biden turned out to be (more so than Obama) and how a newly effective IRS is taxing them, and how he plans to regulate and tax them more. Tanking the ticket is therefore in their self interest. They should be eaten.
I'll say what's most disturbing about this whole thing is this push 100% isn't coming from voters. We voted the ticket in. This is a monied elite panicking about the performance of their "investment." And the anti-democratic nature of that is highly disturbing. But it does show where we are.
Apropos of *gestures around at everything* Today is the day that Parable of the Sower begins.
I realize this is a less serious point than the flagrant racism, but at least a few of these aren’t the same character. I see Wally West and his cousin Ace West for example, and two clearly different Bat-people since they’re both Legos and have different colored costumes. Such low-effort bigotry.
actual #bestofdyingtwitter 🤌🏼
Saw a clip of John Carpenter and Charles Band talking about their most difficult actors and Charles Band talks about how Klaus Kinski almost murdered someone with a knife and then he asks Carpenter who he disliked the most and he goes “Chevy Chase” and they both kind of agree Chevy Chase was worse
- did anyone record the song of the summer, a song so good it united the Bloods and Crips, about us being a pedophile?
end of the day affirmations: - are we alive? - did we kill anyone? - did we completely sabotage every single one of our relationships? - is there a mob outside for you right now?
There was a point when Pelosi had great instincts. That was about a decade into her time in Congress, when I was 10 years old.
Everyone saying Nancy Pelosi doesn't lose and has magical insights etc. etc. should remember that time she backed a bumbling Kennedy scion over an incumbent 80-something progressive in the Massachusetts senate primary.
This is gonna end with either yet another attempt to force Hillary Clinton on the voters, after she already lost to Trump once, or we’re gonna end up with Pete “McKinsey Alum” Buttigieg. Someone who will stop fighting monopolies and windfall profits.
Hell yeah brother this whips
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sherrod Brown of Ohio, facing tough reelection fight, becomes fourth Senate Democrat to sign a deal with the shadowy, sunburned McKinsey alum at the crossroads who offered to fund his campaign.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sherrod Brown of Ohio, facing tough reelection fight, becomes fourth Senate Democrat to urge Biden's exit from race.
They've said this as long as I can remember. It's very consistent. It's a human child in a costume. Everyone's shocked and horrified every other year or so when someone at Sanrio reminds them, and every time some reporter chases the clickbait.
An executive for parent company Sanrio set off a reaction after saying that Hello Kitty, the iconic character with a cat-shaped head, is a human third-grader from London. Fans across social media expressed playful disbelief.
Hello Kitty is not a cat. Fans aren’t buying it.www.washingtonpost.com An executive for parent company Sanrio set off a reaction after saying the iconic character with a cat-shaped head is a human third-grader from London.
The fact they played a video of a guy making monkey sounds at Black people at the fucking convention to hype up the crowd not being front page news across the nation is proof not one of those publications deserves to exist
Trying to do “both sides” reporting on Trump is journalistic malpractice. This is a man vowing to build vast internment camps while calling his opponents “vermin” that he will "root out." The media has a responsibility to clearly and urgently convey the dangers of a Trump win.
Listen—and I am subtweeting here—if you've made your career as a progressive and your stance is "I hope the billionaires force the Democrats they finance to overturn the result of the primaries" it might be time to consider strongly if you're wrong.
kid behind me on this flight - his first - after being told soft drinks were free and he could order whatever he wanted insisted he was going to get a coke and a sprite and mix them together. fuck yeah, little man, live the life of kings.
One of the all-time heel turns. The dude is the reason I have a career and he’s just been going increasingly insane since.
Peter Thiel is one of the primary investors in Polymarket. Nate Silver literally works for him, now, in a business driven by profiting off of gaming betting numbers with voters. www.axios.com/2024/07/16/n...
Nate Silver joins prediction market startup Polymarketwww.axios.com More Americans are flocking to prediction markets to interpret crazy news cycles.
Look, anyone the investor class is wielding their power to try to remove has my support, enemy of my enemy.
If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
If anyone wants an example of what AOC was talking about/why Martin Heinrich just called for Biden to drop out, this passage from Wednesday's NYT offers a doozy.
Is Zoom down? Come on, if I don’t get Starbucks mobile ordering I shouldn’t have to use Zoom, where’s the justice.
The Biden-Harris admin has forgiven nearly $170B of student debt. That's good for everyone — not just debt holders. People without onerous debt contribute more to the economy, are more likely to start a business, buy a home, or start a family, and less likely to need public aid.