
Just like how right now everyone is a Disinformation and Influence Op Understander lmao
What’s going to be fun in six months is that no matter what happens in the election everyone is going to pretend they knew exactly what to do when clearly no one has any fucking clue
Truly wish more folks were more interested in trying to work out what's best to do, and far less interested in litigating who was right all along or who is to blame
I do wish people would recognize this is a debate about electability & resorting to a conspiracy of the White House covering up for an unfit President is *really* not going to help, even if Biden were to decline the nomination tomorrow.
If Biden loses, who gives a shit who was right, the country is in deep, deep trouble. Truly, truly irrelevant who was right about what online. If Biden, or Harris, or by some bafflingly strange error some local shop assistant called Mr McGreggor wins, who cares. The top-line is Trump /must/ lose.
Biden isn't going to lose.
Yeah, there's just no way. My fear is the Supreme Court handing it over tho
Considering how abortion is wildly popular, do you feel the campaign or Biden is doing enough to press that opportunity with voters?
Of course not. They aren't doing so many things they could and should be doing.
I'm feeling fearful they won't discover the lessons. I am heartened by the dedication In Arkansas to get it abortion on the ballot.
Me too!! And I think we the people forget the powers we still have to change things
I swear to god if this election gets saved by the Arizona/Nevada abortion ballot measures
Just saw this thread about Project 2025. Some very bad news in there for working people. This should be what Dems are talking about nonstop
Project 2025, page 592: make it harder for employees to be paid at overtime rates by allowing employers to average the number of hours worked over 2-4 weeks
Kamala Harris is pressing the abortion issue every day in every way, everywhere she goes. She is the point person on the issue for the campaign. Could Biden talk more about it? Sure. But it's not his strength, it's hers.
I suspect Biden would be doing more messaging here, if he weren't distracted by fending off an attempt to force him off the ballot...
Ugh, the problem is the DEMs and Biden are afraid of offending one MAGA voter who might vote for Biden that they are not really mentioning the whole Trump will nationwide ban abortion.