
And to be clear, I don't believe that Biden could have magically expanded the court already. Congress is what it is. But what Republicans understand is that politics is the long game. You lay the groundwork, you shift the debate. That's what I'm saying Dems should be doing now, full court press.
The fundamental paradox is that in the case of SCOTUS as it exists in the year of our lord 2024, you must delegitimize the institution in order to save it, and I think that's a hard one for lifelong institutionalists to get their heads around.
That said, this shouldn't be difficult. SCOTUS took away the right to an abortion, made it much easier for corporations to pollute, eviscerated voting rights, and want to bestow a degenerate sociopath with the powers of monarchy. And several members are demonstrably corrupt insurrectionists.
I don't know how anyone could pitch the softball any slower or more gently.
Truman set the model--he ran against a Do-Nothing Republican Congress. How hard can it be to keep hammering on the Corrupt Republican Supreme Court? Or is that too rude to the people who want to believe in the Nobility of the Institution?
I don't disagree. It's questions like this that brought me to realize the Dems are invested in upholding the status quo. They will never push, because they're happy to keep having the talking points to sound like they care to fight the GOP.
i think those same institutionalists, far older now than any soviet "gerontocrat," have also failed to acknowledge that preteens who watched the towers fall are today Damn Near Forty Years Old, and that we kind of see through the bullshit now, so now they're only kidding themselves.
exactly GOP never gave up voting to repeal the ACA despite it being 'pointless' w obama in office bc they knew it energized their base
Nothing but frustration for democrats who think their base is energized by bland focus-grouped platitudes I swear, some of these idiots would respond to their house burning down by trying to reason with the flames, instead of—you know—grabbing a fucking extinguisher
It would help me emotionally if the White House would demonstrably do literally anything this week.
That's one of the things that's infuriating about the dems: they do not know how to put on a united front about anything that isn't guaranteed to pass. Like for change it takes years of pushing an idea and emphasizing that the only reason this isn't happening is the other side but less money in that
The window of opportunity is closing rapidly.
You're making the assumption that Democrats actually want to do anything to fix this. As far as I can tell all they want is to keep winning elections forever, which is why their only proposed solution to the immunity ruling is to never lose an election ever again
They keep killing those of us who are on the left. Bernie could have been a milquetoast FDR, and that would have helped a lot. They killed Jamaal Bowman because he thought maybe Palestinians shouldn’t be slaughtered as a matter of course. You need a strong left to pull the center left. IMO.
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That is what Dem leadership rejected in 2016 and 2020 by circling the wagons to keep Bernie Sanders and his mass appeal modernizing proposals out of the party. Dem leadership wants it to be the 1990s forever.
Folks in this thread are missing that Sanders did move the party to the left; Hillary & Biden's final platforms were much more liberal than when they started. Stating the right plays the long game, then complaining that they didn't get immediate gratification is countering their own point. Push left
They should, but they do not know how.