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ꀭeͤ✞ꌚe͎n̆̈ 𝕊⊍תּḋᥑy҉҉


CEO of Bluesky Social
Trump Fans 🤝 Drake Fans If he's a pedophile, why isn't he in jail?
So there was a Christian nationalist rally at San Francisco city hall today, with Gadsden flag and the tree of liberty flag flying from official city hall flagpoles
Hillary stans think she's a psychic genius of politics for saying Donald Trump and his fans are "deplorable" a year after MSM was calling him a fascist
Six days apart:
For 4th of July, my town had an experimental VTOL drone-plane with a human pilot take off, do a few laps in the air, and land back on the ground. But no American flag on the flagpole because the rope broke and the mayor declared it unfixable, despite being across the street from the hardware store.
Eddy Snows has predictably damaging advice for the American electorate
This fuckin guy
Prime Minister given second billing to "Britain's Most Tatooed Mum"
One of my favorite things is walking in my July 4th parade every year with a different country's flag, people are a little confused but less so when I throw them country-appropriate candy.
Reminder that despite the moans and groans, the media wanted Trump to win in 2016 and acted accordingly. They want him to win in 2024 too, and they are acting accordingly.
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote
Apparently the government of the Yucatán recently erected a Poseidon statue on one of their major beaches. It’s a very heavily Mayan area, where people still pray to Chaac, the god of rainfall. They’re now being slammed with 3 hurricanes and significant flooding, leading to memes like this
I was briefing my family on potential options for moving abroad 4 years ago for exactly this reason. They thought I was being a bit ridiculous back then, less so now.
100% A modern "civil war" in America will look a lot more like Syria in 2013 Different militias of extremists, some secular, some religious, all racist. It will mean lots of terrorist attacks in American cities by right wing terrorists. They won't fight in the open, just shoot and scoots.
In case you want a pretty good write up of what really went on with Trump and Epstein
Makes my skin crawl that these people have to spend the twilight of their lives being denied justice by people who weren’t even alive when they were brutalized and that what were supposed to be the best years of their lives was stained by an overt rejection of justice.
Heritage Foundation should literally be classified as an extremist judicial terrorist organization
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
I still think Biden is going to be the candidate and he's still going to win. Trump is still too crazy for people, and he's not an unknown quantity anymore. Plus, he's been acting like a little whiny baby since he lost The real question is whether or not Trump/GOP will be able to steal it.
What's happening to Ukraine **IS** a genocide. What's happening to Gaza **IS** a genocide. There can be two genocides happening on Earth at the same time (in fact there are more than two!) and we can have solidarity with the victims of all currently unfolding genocides.
I haven't kept up with this app, did they implement videos and group chats yet?
Saw some posts on Hell App that the Tibetan genocide is just US propaganda and Red Scare tactics, which is very interesting information that I'm sure the Tibetans still living in refugee camps in northern India and Nepal would love to know.
It was not based to invade and genocide Tibet, actually. And yes, mass executions, torture, disappearances, destruction of historical and cultural sites, and forced relocation are all genocide.
There should be strict noise limits for vehicles in dense cities, & loud ass cars/motorcycles driving past sundown should get double penalties. Some people have stupidly loud cars that wake people up at 3am because they sound like a reindeer sleigh made of chainsaws.
I'll vote for anybody who bans these things
I wish as leftists we could all just agree that invasions for annexation are universally bad and that kind of conflict does not belong in the 21st century.
Bluesky still needs so much more development and Elon is wrecking Twitter faster than anyone thought he would. How do we help devs speed up DMs and GCs? Will we eventually see GIFs and video and streaming?
Imagine an octopus, but it's in space. Space octopus. It's huge, the size of Earth, and it has trillions of tentacles and they are touching a bubble the size of the sun. As the trillions of tentacles penetrate the bubble, they gain consciousness, they think are unique, independent beings.
Conspiracy guys are like: "oh so you think it's a coincidence that every podcaster who became a transphobic antivax Russia stan in the last 2 years is being accused of sexual assault??"