
the “some folks just need killing” thing out of north carolina reminds me of a third thing these annoying people are right about: as long as the republican bloodlust grows and their power is unbroken, every election probably will be the most important one of your life
sometimes the most annoying people in politics can be right. the orange man is indeed bad. if you vote, you shouldn’t vote for republicans under any circumstances, which typically leaves one option
I've come to realize that virtually every self professed revolutionary on social media thinks that revolutions will not be the start of their political responsibilities, but the end of them. Unsurprisingly, the nature of democracy requiring constant input is impossible for them to parse.
i mean an actual revolution would kill millions just from the collapse of all government services, to say nothing of sectarian conflict and pogroms. a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die. many would. i think it’s worth avoiding if we can!
COUNTERPOINT: What if I'm bored and incapable of introspection?
Isn't that basically the plot of Baader-Meinhoff?
And then if they win they'll have to kill millions to stave off the counter-revolution, which will then kill millions when it can't be held off any longer. People don't get that the work of governance is the work of pragmatism to prevent years of political murder.
I just don't understand the argument for letting institutions collapse as we're entering an era of famine and extreme weather also.
The challenges of actually managing anything are so profoundly outside the scope of what they have the capacity to do, they've simply chosen to spend their time developing a variety of social theories instead. They can't describe to you what replacing any of that looks like on purpose.
You know the "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!" meme? The similarity between so many of those who use the meme on social media and the sorts of people the meme actually lampoons is actually extremely strong. But hot damn, do they want to tell you about their ethical/moral beliefs!
There is never any end to people looking at the actual, real world failures of all of their politicians and responsible people in power and saying "the real problem is those anarchists who dare to think that there could be something better"
There is a difference between being an anarchist and a "self professed revolutionary", but the people writing these threads can't tell the difference and we can see that. So this just becomes "liberals jeering at the Food Not Bombs people again"
I would say realistically most of these people are calling anyone who isn't in favor of giving the police another 10% raise every year an anarchist and have usually never met a single actual anarchist
I would die from sheer exhaustion from posting 24/7 about how I TOLD THEM SO
...actually this week has kind of been me practicing for that day.
Everyone thinks they're Luke Skywalker. Most people are some nameless guy on Alderaan or Jedha.
According to the literal guy running "Project 2025", this will be a "Second American Revolution", and it will be bloodless as long as the left just accepts it and lets it happen.
Project 2025 Architect Threatens Violence if Americans Reject a Trump The President of The Heritage Foundation, the group spearheading Project 2025, had a chilling response to the Supreme Court’s decision that granted absolute immunity to Presidents. He celebrated the Supreme court’s ruling and called his organization’s plan to turn America into a dictatorship a “second American revolution” and warned that it will “remain bloodless” only insofar as Americans are willing to comply with their theocratic Christian nationalist vision for the country. In this video we’ll react to his comments and look at the core tenets of Project 2025. Read Project 2025 in Full Here: Read Kevin Roberts’ Project 2025 Chapter Here: Sources: Kevin Roberts’ Full Remarks (America’s War Room): Expert’s Warning About Project 2025: Heritage Foundation Wants Biden to Run Against Trump (Fox News): Trump Embraces Plan to Fire Civil Servants (Axios): ************** Support the Show: Patreon: YouTube Membership: Membership via PayPal: ************** Mike's Book, 'Catalyze' is Now Available on All Major Retailers! Grab Your Digital or Paperback Copy Here: ************** Visit Our Website: Join Our Discord Server: Join Our Subreddit: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on TikTok: Follow Us on Twitter: Follow Mike on Instagram: Follow Mike on Twitch: Subscribe to Our Second Channel: Download the Opt-Out App: ************** The Humanist Report (THR) is a progressive political podcast that discusses and analyzes current news events and pressing political issues. Our analyses are guided by humanism and political progressivism. Each news story we cover is supplemented with thought-provoking, fact-based commentary that aims for the highest level of objectivity. #HumanistReport #Project2025 #Trump #2024Elections
"a lot of social media revolutionaries might just die" Hey, I thought you were trying NOT to hype this up, man
Yup. And this is how counter-revolutions win the ensuing civil wars.
1. Revolution 2. ?????? 3. Utopia!