Alan Conceicao

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Alan Conceicao

I'm just chillin' here. Financial analyst who's just happy to get an office again (even if I might not always be in it). He/Him/His.
I never did a ton in clinical trials but my favorite story was when I got put on to be the coordinator for a device trial. After months of meeting, we got to a stage where the PI of the trial booked himself to try it: the inventor informed us he couldn't make the device and rage quit the Zoom call
FROM SHAMS: Mavericks say Kyrie Irving has undergone surgery to repair a broken left hand. He sustained the injury earlier this month while training.
Also was unaware that a shooting dark ride went in somewhere in Monterey, CA until today. This is why it is good I am no longer the North American editor of the Dark Ride Database. Glad to see that companies are buying such rides though!
Had no idea Circus Circus had a new trackless SpongeBob dark ride and I was literally inside Circus Circus a month ago.
"Is blocking someone you don't know on social media violence/repression?" is a hilariously stupid question and by even suggesting it is worthy of debate it is being validated on some level. It should just be mocked derisively
Wondering how all the people who were begging Disney to just hand over a pavilion or 5 at EPCOT to Elon Musk back in the mid-2010s are handling his current trajectory.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Bob Menendez convicted of taking bribes paid in gold and a luxury car. Verdict still being read at corruption trial.
Chicago area looks like it's getting hammered with rain and tornadoes. Seems suboptimal.
My days of county collecting via Mob-Rule are not over in any classical sense but I've hit the point of diminishing returns. The closest county to me that I've not been to is Stephenson County, Illinois: 5 hours 21 minutes drive time.
TIL the older of the two members of Yello (the one with the novelty song "Oh Yeah") is worth 9 figures. That's a story.
Had no idea Circus Circus had a new trackless SpongeBob dark ride and I was literally inside Circus Circus a month ago.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
mediocre white men throughout the country will now have to pretend to have read another book.
I don't know where to go with this; do you just hope that Joker feeds him the ball when he cuts to the basket? Or put him in charge of the second team?
CONT'D: “The Clippers and Russell Westbrook plan to part ways this offseason, and the franchise continues to discuss trades for the former NBA MVP, team and league sources said. The Denver Nuggets are a front-runner to sign Westbrook if he becomes a free agent.”
I'd take a lot of people's media criticism more honestly if almost everyone in this media hellscape we inhabit hadn't been incentivized and reinforced to provide the worst takes possible on the regular for money or social credit. Millions of people donning a Spiderman costume, pointing at each other
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
Some Democrats simply cannot help themselves in confirming the absolute worst criticisms of them by the left.
A senior House Democrat says efforts to replace Biden at the top of the ticket have stopped because, “We've all resigned ourselves to a second Trump presidency."
Trump rally shooting upends congressional Democrats' crisis over Biden's Rep. Dean Phillips said it would be "unpatriotic and unprincipled" to focus on anything besides the shooting.
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We need to be honest about how much ostensibly leftist activity is about triggering libs because it’s more than anyone is willing to admit. But that’s what this is. It’s about eliciting a response to feel some sort of agency bc real solidarity doesn’t give the same rush as pissing someone off
YouTube recommended to me a video titled something along the lines of "Sam Hyde on Peter Zeihan" and boyyyyy I am not online enough to care about that.
The hopes I had for Bluesky early on did not, as I sort of anticipated, pan out. I'll post here the same as I have because it's fun enough and there's enough people to communicate with that I enjoy chatting with, but there's no pathway to making social media anything other than a hugbox.
The roof on this house has been there since May and I'm still leery of coming down one morning and seeing water pooling up on the floor with how much it's rained. That has not happened. Such a refreshing change; like living in an AirBnB
I have had no real excitement outside the home this weekend but did think to myself, "Self, remember when people used to post about doing incredibly average things like 'I vacuumed! Then I bought top soil!' and called it 'adulting' as though it were laudable?"
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
Dang, you’re being pretty unpleasant to other people, and seem to be alienating yourself thru aggressive interactio- oh wait, you say you’re a pessimist, and that makes it acceptable? And you say you’re also mean to your friends? Why, you’re a noble figure! I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you at first.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
If this fails to serve any one of a half dozen prefab political narratives, there’s a nonzero chance it all gets metabolized as just another shooting at an outdoor summer event.
Trump attracts the mentally ill like moth to flame. The shooter could have had literally any motivation imaginable. Dude could have been ready to die over the fact that Trump didn't open up the UFO files.
at this important time, the world turns to me, it's main character, to tell them the truth they need to hear. a truth they already know and agree with
"If I don't like your employer, you should quit your job" is absolutely corny talk that sounds like it comes from an 11 year old. Any alleged adult doing it needs to rethink hard.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
Not true of *all* leftist movements, but many of the Marx-influenced groups in history have had ample “horizontal” critiques toward the world, other people, etc, but have been woeful about a “vertical” critique of themselves and their group in relation to others, and that’s what ends up dooming them
The reason we don't "get our hands dirty anymore" on the left is because the failure mode of left-wing authoritarianism has been something between "terribly low level of compliance with own principles" and "once it collapses the people hate the left so bad they go as rightwing as they can"
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
When I say that the vast majority of "political" discussions in the US are thinly-disguised consumer activist debates, this is what I'm talking about. When people invoke the "power" of withholding a vote to effect change, it comes from this logic.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
it’s wild how much of the left’s anger on this site is devoted to the NYT. media criticism is good and healthy but anyone who really thinks a newspaper that’s read mostly by coastal elites is the main obstacle to progressive policy goals in america in the year 2024 is living in a bubble
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*And this is Meme Number Two.
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Maybe I’m behind the curve on this one, but virtually any sandwich can be improved by lightly toasting the bread before you make it, would recommend.
Reposted byAvatar Alan Conceicao
I’m sorry but this was put on my car and WTF