Melissa Kaercher

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Melissa Kaercher

Queen of the Lizard People, a benevolent despot.

I also like dogs.
If Tim Walz goes up for veep, I’m not sure I’d be sad or happy. I wanna keep him.
I don't really have any thoughts on the veep race besides Shapiro backstabbed PA unions and Mike Kelly is to the right of Joe Manchin on labor, but I love this talking point by Tim Waltz. The GOP is dangerous, but they're also fucking absurd.
BUCKLE UP, DEMS, GET READY TO RIDE.* * instead of acting like a basket full of ferrets on amphetamines
Fes and I went to the Keith Haring exhibit at The Walker yesterday!
A bird flew into my car. In the process of trying to get it out, it flew up into the dashboard. Question 1: How do I get a bird out of the dashboard of a Honda Insight? Question 2: I need to drive home. If I turn on the car and drive home, will it injure the bird? Help?
Minnesotans are looking at photos of JD Vance today and thinking, “He looks kinda familiar…”
Texts between Road Manager Ian and me:
Regarding current events: I keep thinking of the Curse of Tippecanoe, wherein US presidents elected in years divisible by 20 die in office. The curse doesn’t hold for Reagan (who did, however, survive an assassination attempt) or GWB (who got a shoe thrown at him).
Curse of Tippecanoe -
There are fireworks outside, so Max and Fury are making sure my legs are safe.
I will pay $5 to the first journalist who asks Tr*mp how he feels about gun control now.
The dog content of our house was temporarily SIX tonight, after the Terrible Trio and Visiting Beka started barking about something outside. Fes then spotted two thirsty fugitive doggos, one missing a collar. We captured them, gave them water, and tracked down the exhausted owner.
For the next few days, I have +1 dog, because I am dogsitting Beka. Beka is super sweet and loves a cuddle. She is currently set up in the porch, away from the Terrible Trio, who have OPINIONS about outsiders.
This article is chock full of high-quality pull quotes. “Then I turned the truck on and was instantly escorted back to Elon’s technocarnival of suck.”
11 panels/shows DONE at #cvg2024. Everything went extremely well and seemed to be very well received, so I am RIDING HIGH and also completely unsure what to do with myself. Anyway, thank you to CONvergence for once again letting me play in the sandbox with so many lovely maniacs.
First panel DONE. (And well-attended for an early Thursday) MainStage tech test DONE. And now I’m going to have lunch at the Nicollet Diner because I’m done with panel prep and I DESERVE ICE CREAM. #cvg2024
During my yearly brain doctor appointment, it was decided to do something about my ADHD. (Surprise! I have ADHD!) Thus, another brain medication is being added to my current drug cornucopia. Is it a bad idea to start a new brain drug one week before CONvergence? TUNE IN NEXT WEEK TO FIND OUT!
“Three Treats for the Cattle-dogs under the sky…”
It seems this is a “eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s while watching Destroy All Monsters” sort of day.
I don’t think anyone (including me) understands just how much of my latent brain storage is dedicated to Soul Coughing lyrics.
This article in The Atlantic is a long read, but absolutely worth it. It drives at so many complex things about modern American political discourse, and cutting through it to lay bare our dwindling resources.
The Most American Searching for the nation’s future in Phoenix, Arizona June 10, 2024 No one knows why the Hohokam Indians vanished. They had carved hundreds of miles of canals in the Sonoran Desert with stone tools an...
Folks, I know it sounds goofy, but we have an urgent need to get the world eating more beans. They’re good for the soul, good for agriculture, the cheapest/best protein you can find, and can address multiple challenges simultaneously. Eat your beans!
Today I learned that Jean-Luc Godard made a film adaptation of King Lear for Canon Films in 1987, and it sounds absolutely bananas.
I assure you, this dog is a jerk. But she gets away with it, because [see Exhibit A].
I am currently reading through the Frank Herbert Dune books for the first time. (I’d only ever previously read the first book.) This meme now gets funnier every time I see it.
The Great Dictator is playing on Criterion 24/7 right now, so I have it on in the background while I wind down for bedtime. No matter how many times I see it, there are scenes that make my breath catch.
My dogs know they are good lookin’.
I finally got an action shot of the whole Sunday Morning Victory Memorial Parkway Dog Squad! Lyra, Agatha Barkness, The Doof Warrior, Toast the Knowing, and Impawrator Furiosa