
If Democrats lose the Senate in November, this will be the top Republican in the US overseeing the work of the Justice Department. It’s like having a meat inspector whose fetish is giving people salmonella.
There’s a lot of back and forth over what constitutes a genocide. But let’s not equivocate here: Lindsey Graham is calling to wipe out every man, woman, and child in Gaza. This is explicitly genocide. If it’s not, then the word truly has no meaning, and I reject that.
In addition to the evil part, there’s also the stupid part where Tel Aviv is only 45 miles from Gaza.
He'd nuke Israel too if he could get away with it.
That’s how their favorite bible story starts.
Yeah, the conservative religious world I grew up in mostly believed in conservative Christianity displacing everyone else via the end of the world, and then getting translated into Heaven for being bigoted against literally everyone else on the planet.
That Eschaton won’t Immamentize itself.
Yet no one will try to censure him in the Senate.. it’s unbelievable the hateful rhetoric that is allowed and ignored, but Rep Omar gets attacked for calling war supporters “pro genocide” just insane bias Dems just let happen no pushback
Denial of basic civilization is genocide.
That sad little queen is willing to out crazy everyone to remain relevant. Thank god he doesn’t have the keys to any car of importance.
Clear intent. No argument from legal
Copilot AI knows Genocide is an internationally recognized crime that involves acts committed with the **intent to destroy**, in whole or in part, a **national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
If neoliberal Democrats suck bad enough that they lose the Senate, that's on them. Where's M4A, student loan abolition, codified Roe, legal cannabis, and cutting war & cops? That's what people want. Deliver or bang off.
Damn then I guess democrats better give the people a fucking reason to vote for them. Instead of the tired, “the alternative is worse” argument.
Hey who's the postmaster general
I'm guessing Graham is not planning any trips to Japan in the near future.
Dems should probably loudly and unequivocally denounce what he said, censure that bitch. But I bet they don’t because too many are beholden to AIPAC and they worry they’ll get in trouble for denouncing even this. It’s so quick and easy to get labeled antisemitic and Hamas these days 🤷🏻‍♀️
Saying Gaza should be nuked & saying Israel should exist, but without apartheid are the same thing according to some.
Yes. And the really horrible thing is he's not even close to being the worst of them.