
An indicator that this news frenzy isn't breaking through as much as you all think: my wife hasn't asked me about it.
I use my wife as a bit of a bellweather for progressive democrats. She's quite left leaning but not a news junkie. She has a Twitter account but doesn't follow news on there.
Same, also use my father-in-law who is a boomer old hippie leftie. Her, didn't really know about it. Him, knew about it, saw the interview but not the rally. Which is a bit disturbing since the rally makes it clear he's fine. The news really isn't getting that across.
Makes it clear he's fine? Surely that ship has sailed
Same here. Last night I told my wife I wanted to watch the Biden interview and she said, "What interview? And why is he doing it?"
What I can gather is that people are aware that some kind of panic is happening but as it continues they tune it out. Panic for one day can be seen as cause for concern. Panic for weeks gets categorized as "Ahh so these are crazy people"
I have been wondering if the truly disengaged watched the debate and then if the disengaged are paying attention to news coverage during a travel heavy holiday week. We know NY/DC and the die hards on both sides of the aisle are paying attention, not so sure about everyone else.
Eh, my spouse is also not at all a news person and said he sounded bad in the debate so itmight be kinda breaking through