
This story about high tariffs keeping out cheap EVs from the US market, when they're very much in demand, was just 4 days ago. Today, news broke that Biden wants to quadruple the existing very high tariff
American drivers want cheap EVs. Chinese automakers are building them. But you can't buy them in the U.S., thanks to tariffs in the name of U.S. jobs and national security. Two car shoppers weigh in.
China makes cheap electric vehicles. Why can't American shoppers buy them? American drivers want cheap EVs. Chinese automakers are building them. But you can't buy them in the U.S., thanks to tariffs in the name of U.S. jobs and national security. Two car shoppers weigh in.
Bidens bias towards trade isolationism suuuucks ngl
As with so many things, I find myself saying "Biden is bad, Trump is worse."
Kind of like comparing a guy who got a speeding ticket for driving faster than 55 in the 80's to Charles Manson. "Hey, their both criminals right?"
Right. I absolutely do not agree with Biden on a whole range of issues. But it's like "I'd prefer my steak a bit rarer here, the sides are kinda meh, the wine is a bit corked, and it's a bit steep for what it is" versus "this man will shoot you in the kneecaps". Like, it's still a really easy choice
I'm sad this year's soup judging competition is between a very average potato soup and a soup made out of drowning kittens in battery acid and rusty nails, but while I have more than my fair share of issues with the potato soup, one of those soups is still very clearly better than the other one
☝️This is why I am on Bluesky.
Not so average, but subtle. Slow down and pay attention to the complex network of critical changes he's making.. He's more coq au vin than potato soup.
This is a very dark turn I did not see coming 😱
I can imagine a better President than Biden. That President would only occur in the context of a better overall political system. Because Bernie-Abraham-Jesus-X-Mohammed Himself couldn't get a complete agenda past the House and SCOTUS Biden has to work with.
I’ve heard it compared to a choice between a slightly stale sandwich & a poison cake.