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Dad, senior risk analyst, Anglo-Irish 🇬🇧🇮🇪🇪🇺 RPG player. German based Ecomodernist & freelance opinion-holder.
And Sir Edward Leigh is back again. Wtf?
I've just realised that Mark Francois was somehow re-elected. Damn.
Only 4 Reform MPs with a dozen seats yet to declare - which means that the 13 predicted by exit poll has, fortunately, been avoided. Still bad, but 4 is much better than 13.
The polls are now open. Don’t forget your ID as you do your democratic duty!
I had forgotten just how thoroughly miserable the Goethe online training courses make me.
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these Tory election leaflets are becoming increasingly desperate I feel
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OK, so we’re all ready for ‘Trump 2: This Time It’s Personal’ right?
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It's the Sunak Cost Fallacy, where you don't do a cost/benefit analysis, just moan about the costs. Admittedly a lot of Sunak’s spending was all cost and no public benefit, like eat out to help out or PPE corruption, but that doesn't generalise to all government spending.
I love the idea of describing highly credible rumours as ‘pastems’. This is language evolutionary development in the wild!
Factoids that never happened but enter the news cycle as shorthand for someone’s perceived essence, and then become tools for reference (for jokes and arguments) I call “Pastems”. They’re not true but I “wouldn’t put it pastem”. Glad there’s an old version of it.
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Part of the issue here is that a lack of real enforcement for 30 years turned aggressively anti-competitive business models into the only reliably high-growth strategy rewarded by investors. A whole generation of executives identifies market-cornering “moats”with capitalism per se.
Why are corporate CEOs cozying up to Trump? Yes, the tax cuts — but it's not just that. Biden is reviving anti-trust in a massive way, with lawsuits against Amazon, Apple, Ticketmaster, and many more. Corporate execs are terrified of their monopolies being broken up.
I wondered why I was feeling so tired these last few weeks & today I realised that not only had I not had any time off since Jan but I’ve also built up nearly a week of flexi-leave in the same period. I really need to get better at this. On the plus side, the rest of the year should be easier.
How odd! People have reported that their cybertrucks have battery drain problems, days after Musk floated the idea of using them for Bitcoin mining when not in operation. The power drain appears to be in line with what this would take. Yet another reason not to get a Cybertruck.
Found my new favorite benign conspiracy theory thanks to r/cyberstuck
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poor Hester telling her dog "you will OBEY me" and a UNIT strike team suddenly burst in through the wall
Doctor Who story about a woman who named Hester Mamait who keeps being hassled by The Doctor, UNIT, Torchwood, etc. because her name is an anagram for “I am the Master”.
Ok. Now halfway with the project. Plot is structured, 1 section at 99%, 2 sections at about 75% & the rest at about ‘um 30%?’. Art is thinner than I’d like, but definitely coming together.
I’ve just finished ep3 of the acolyte & (spoiler free) it’s an episode that really could have been an email.
Dear Labour, you can't make Brexit work as its based on a fantasy. The Tories should be a cautionary tale for you: they claimed they could suspend reality - now look at them. Your gambit of "We wont suspend reality as much" is very dangerous for you & democracy in the UK. *Level with the voters*
Oh. Freddy Krugerrand. Thats perfect.
Musk: eyyy Stephano king whats so funny King: never mind elon you wouldn't understand King: it's kind of a pun Musk: i know da puns!! Barker: sure thing, Freddy krugerrand King: oh!! there's another one!!!!
The European election results are ‘disappointing but not disastrous’. We knew that the far-right would make gains (which they have), but it’s not a breakout - though the French results are concerning.
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The moment lactose meets intolerance.
Official European duties completed. Now for a coffee.
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You don’t need any more evidence than this for the intellectual calibre of Sunak et al.
Good response from the greens on immigration.
Thoughts on looking at the elections projected seats: I wonder whether - should the Tories only just manage to get in as the HM official Opposition - this will put pressure on the LDs & Greens to merge? A "Liberal Green" coalition could be a significant arrangement...
Trying to distract myself isn’t working. Goodnight everyone.
So will the debate change anything? Or was it - as I suspect - a vacuous exercise in media posturing?
Started watching then realised I didn’t want to. Sunak is channeling his petulant yet-eager inner prefect & Starmer is just professionally evasive. If what I saw is repeated for 90 minutes then I think that both of them come out worse.
Tbh I’d much prefer to live in a world where D-Day was a (fascinating) historical footnote than it being held up as badge of ideological purity. So 52% of 18 years don’t know about it, so what? 1/2
Right. Time to leave the echo chamber & do some work.